Friday, December 27, 2019


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2019 Year-End $1.5 Million Matching Challenge!

Dear Friend,

As 2019 draws to a close in just a few days, here is a critical moment from this year that we must remember!

The Left and the mainstream media would love for you and me to forget how Democrat Beto O'Rourke put the Left's unconstitutional ideology on full display in October. 

CNN's Don Lemon asked O'Rourke whether "religious institutions like colleges, churches, charities should...lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?"

O'Rourke confidently replied, "Yes!"

"There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone, or any institution, any organization in America that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us."

Pundits and politicians on the Left were in upheaval following the statement, but not because O'Rourke's philosophy is radical and unconstitutional. 

No, they were furious because he tipped progressives' hand, revealing their true intentions on national television!

Beto may be out of the race, but this dangerous ideology lives on in the collective heart and mind of the Left. We must push back!

Your support is critical so that Family Research Council can protect against this threat to religious freedom in 2020 and beyond.
To achieve that end, we need $2.1 million in December to end 2019 in the black and ready to advance our values in the battles that lay ahead. Many have thankfully already responded, but we have just a few days left.

Please don't miss the opportunity to double your impact for the values you care about!

The $1.5 Million Year-End Matching Challenge Grant that will double your gift -- dollar for dollar -- only lasts through December 31. And that deadline is fast approaching.

Our religious beliefs are not only being driven out of the public square, but even our churches are feeling the heat from the radical Left's assault on the First Amendment.

Remember, O'Rourke wasn't just suggesting stripping religious institutions of their tax-exempt status for adhering to biblical truth on marriage... To state it another way, he was also proposing subsidizing only organizations that promote the LGBTQ agenda!
Beto O'Rourke's comments were a warning that 2020 will be a battle between our deeply held beliefs and the radical ideology of sexuality as identity.

Please take a stand with FRC so that every believer can freely live out their faith -- inside and outside their church walls.

P.S. - We need your support, Tom, to create a prevailing culture in which all human life is valued, families flourish, and religious liberty thrives. Please click here to join us and take advantage of the $1.5 Million Matching Challenge Grant. Every dollar you donate will be multiplied to help us reach our year-end goal and hit the ground running in 2020!
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