Tuesday, September 24, 2019


GREG LAURIE - Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Free Will


“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life.”

—Deuteronomy 30:19

During the darkest days of Johnny Cash’s spiral downward due to drugs, alcohol, and poor choices, an important incident happened in his life in Lafayette, Georgia. On November 2, 1967, Cash was visiting a friend there, and went out by himself that evening and got lost. In an effort to get directions back to his friend’s house he knocked on the door of an elderly woman who lived alone, and she called the police on him. It must have been obvious to her that he was high or drunk, or both. Deputy Bob Jeff responded, and in patting Cash down discovered prescription drugs on him (which were legal). He took Cash to jail, and Johnny spent the night in a cell.
The next morning, Sheriff Ralph Jones awakened Cash and took him into his office. Cash was sick and despondent, and expected the lawman to come down on him hard. But instead Jones opened a drawer, took out the money and pills taken off Cash the night before, held them out and said: “I’m going to give your money and your dope back, because you know better than most people that God gave you free will to do with yourself whatever you want to do.”
Cash could throw the pills away, or go ahead and take them and kill himself, said Sheriff Jones, adding, “Whichever one you want to do, Mr. Cash, will be all right with me.”
Johnny was dumbfounded. What was going on here?
As sorrowfully as if he were talking to his own wayward son, Jones explained to Cash that he and his wife had been Johnny Cash fans for over a decade—had every record he had ever made, in fact.
“We love you,” he said. “We’ve always loved you. We’ve watched you on television, listened for you on the radio. We’ve got your album of hymns. We’re probably the best two fans you’ve ever had.”
The night before, continued the sheriff, upon finding out that the great Johnny Cash was in his jail and why, he went home to his wife and told her. Jones said he actually felt like resigning right there and then because it was so heartbreaking to see how far a man who meant so much to them and others had fallen.
Then Jones told Johnny to take his money and pills and go. “Just remember—you’ve got the free will to either kill yourself or save your life.” Indeed, Cash, like all of us, had free will.
God will not force His way or will in our lives. He will set the choices before us, and even give us the strength to follow through once we have made them. 
But the Lord will not choose for us; that is up to us.

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You have free will to choose life or death. What do you choose?

Johnny Cash: The Redemption of an American Icon
Johnny Cash: The Redemption Of An American Icon

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Join Greg Laurie, pastor and bestselling author, as he takes you on a personal journey into the life and legend of Johnny Cash.

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