Wednesday, September 25, 2019


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    "God's Glory and the Exhortation": an uncompromising work of Christian reflection, is the creation of published author Rene Bates, a Maine-bred U.S. Army vet and widower based in Nevada.
    Bates shares 10 of 16 reasons why so many traditions of men exist within the organized religious system commonly known as the Christian church:
1. Your pastor: God-anointed or self-appointed
    (Jer. 14:14-15, 23:21).
2. How to recognize false prophets
    (Matt. 7:21-23).
3. How to recognize a true pastor from a hireling
    (John 10:10-13).
4. The Body of Christ or a business for profit
    (1 Pet. 5:2-3).
5. How to recognize the sensual Gospel—that
    which pertains to the senses.
6. How to recognize those who transform
    themselves into messengers of Christ
    (2 Cor. 11:13-15).
7. Why are things so predictable in church
8. How to recognize hirelings who use God, His
    Word and His gifts to be rich and famous
    (1 Pet. 4:17).
9. True church or a repeating liturgical melody of
    sameness, the one reason Jesus and the
    apostles were persecuted and killed, their
    opposition to "traditions of men"
    (Mark 7:6-13, John 5:16).
10. Why don't we have church the way Paul and
    Jesus commanded us to have church?
    (1 Cor. 14:26-40).
    Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Rene Bates' new book presents an unwaveringly astute and provocative point of view on the ways and follies of the modern church.
    Bates is unafraid to speak God's truth, refusing to bow to the weight of misguided tradition but instead showing a spirit made of sterner stuff. His work is in line with the great but opposed prophets of the Old Testament as well as the hard-pressed apostles of the New, his writings bearing the same weight of divine wisdom to both bless and course-correct the faithful few.

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