Friday, August 2, 2019


John 4:14

August 2, 2019
But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

Devotional Thoughts

By David Wilkerson
Dear saint, has the devil come at you with an overwhelming flood?  Are you drowning in troubles and pain, drifting in a sea of lifelessness?  You may be convinced your well is dry.  You may have bought the enemy’s lie that there is nothing life-giving flowing out of you.
No, never!  As long as you trust Jesus as Lord and believe he gives the Holy Spirit to all who ask, you must know he is in you as an artesian well.  In this kind of well, water is forced to the surface by underground pressure, producing a constant stream.  That underground pressure is the Spirit, bringing forth life in you continually.
You may feel downcast by your circumstances.  But no lie from hell, nor any human power, can stop the flow of this water springing up in you.  
“The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Fear not: the river of God’s life-giving Spirit is flowing into that dead sea in you.  It is a river more powerful than Satan’s flood. 
I urge you, pray with me now: 
“Holy Ghost, flow through every desert region in your church.  Flow through the wildernesses in each of our lives, and into the dead sea of iniquity in this world.  Bring your healing waters to the millions of souls who are lost in dead waters, multitudes no human could imagine.  And forgive our unbelief, for limiting your reach!” Amen!

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