Sunday, August 25, 2019


God Is Patient
All Sin, personal and National, is against God.
God is patient with each one of us and with each Nation.
However, there comes a time when the sin in a persons life
And Sin in a Nations life is Irreversible.
Then all that remains is the Judgment of God.

Biblical Examples Of Irreversible Sin

Noah's Day:
Irreversible Sin occurred in Noah's day.
At that time the Sin of mankind had reached the point
Where it would only get worse.
When this occurs the Judgment of God is Demanded.
As long as there is hope of repentance
And turning from Sin, God will wait;
But when the Sin is Irreversible
He is compelled by His holiness, to bring it to an End.
The Flood of Noah's day destroyed all living things,
Except those in the Ark.
This is event foreshadows The Time of The END;
Virtually all of humanity will be killed except The Bride of Christ.
The Whole Earth will be Devastated.

The Tower of Babel:
At the tower of Babel
God did not destroy the culture that had set itself against Him.
In this case He chose to simply disperse the people
By giving groups of them different languages
So that they could not understand each other and would be forced to disperse
And cover the earth as God had commanded.

Sodom and Gomorrah:
The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah had reached the point
Where it was irreversible.
It was getting worse by the day,
And God was compelled to act, and He did;
Because of its Sin the whole area was destroyed
Except for Lot and his family.
He was Saved because he abhorred the Sin
And believed God.

Egypt had made slaves of the Israelites
And was treating them terribly,
Forcing them to kill their male babies.
God sent the Israelites a deliverer in the person of Moses.
Moses went to Pharaoh, king of Egypt
And demanded in the name of the Lord,

That he let God's people go free.
When Pharaoh would not comply,
He brought upon that nation the terrible plagues
That devastated the whole country.
In the end he was forced by God
To let the Israelites go free.

The Nation Israel:
The Sin of the Nation Israel got to the point of no return
And God used the Nation of Babylon to defeat them
And take them into Captivity for Seventy Years.

The Nation Babylon:
When the Nation Babylon became exceedingly Wicked
God used the Nation of the Media-Persia to defeat them
And bring them to permanent Ruin.

The Nation Israel In The Time of Christ:
The Nation Israel in the time of Christ Jesus had become Wicked.
Jesus said that they were more wicked than Sodom and Gomorrah.
Because of this and because of the fact that they did not receive their Christ,
And had Him killed, they were destroyed as a Nation in 70 A.D.

The History Of The World:
The history of the World from the time of Christ Jesus forward,
Is the story of kingdoms rising and falling,
Leading up to The Time of The END.
At The Time of The END, the Wickedness of the Whole World,
Under the deception of Satan is Irreversible,
And God brings His Judgment on the Whole World,
Like in the days of Noah.
As was predetermined from before Creation,
God puts an END to “Time;”
God is finished with His 6,000 years of dealings with mankind.
He has obtained a Bride for His Son
Which was His sole objective in Creation.

What follows is 1,000 years of Rest,
The Final Judgment and Eternal Bliss for The Bride of Christ.

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