Friday, August 2, 2019


Your time is valuable, so I will get right to the point. 
I am writing to you about an unheard of opportunity to win souls in California—an opportunity that did not come about overnight. We won this opportunity because we persevered against the greatest demonic attacks we have ever faced.  
I must tell you upfront that I am going to ask for your help because this is a once in a lifetime situation.
Only once before in the entire 7 year run of this blog have I ever asked for help this way. Here’s the story:
When we began taking our tent through California, we practically had to use a crowbar to get permits, tent sites, and church support. There were times in Marysville, Paradise, and Stockton when I was barely able to stand because of fatigue from the withering warfare.
We endured some strange trials. In Marysville I felt a hand on my back push me, as I went up the steps to the stage. The result was a badly sprained calf muscle that I had to stand on for the next several hours. The pain was special. Thankfully, the Lord touched me, and I recovered far faster than the predicted 6 weeks.  In Stockton, the vehicle of one of our leaders was hit by a stray bullet.
We contacted church after church. Some helped us, others ignored us. We were told how futile and dangerous it was to pitch our tent in the worst parts of town. City officials either loved us, or hated us. I’ll let you guess what we got more of. We have fought every devil in hell, as we worked our way down Highway 99.
I held onto the promise that came to me in a dream, that this was a corridor of God’s Glory. I knew that above all else, we had to complete the crusade in Stockton.  I was convinced that if we just did that, then everything would begin to turn, so we held on!
Now, everything has changed. 
Reports of many being saved, and of notable healing miracles, has gone before us. 
Now we have more open doors than we can possibly fulfill.  
This presents us with a whole new problem. 
For the first time I can see this touching the entire State of California.
The crowds will be bigger. The altar calls will be bigger. When this happens, the costs don’t go up gradually, it’s more like when you throw a rock into a pond and the ripples spread out. Expenses increase in every direction.
We need to retain and train workers quickly. We need to get Bibles, follow up material, food, clothing and new equipment.
Every military manual contains this same warning: when you have the enemy on the run, you don’t let him regroup. This door that was so difficult to pry open, will not stay open very long. We must seize this key moment.
Some might say that we always seem to need more resources. To that I say, we are a soul saving ministry. Tragically, that is a rare thing these days—which explains the mess our nation is in. We haven’t won enough souls!
We are not a business—we are a ministry. If provisions come in, they most go out.  We are not a club—we are an army. An army must use its supplies. It can’t sit on them.
Now let me talk to you about the most important door of all.
Fresno is the key: During our entire tour, one thing has been in the back of my mind: Fresno. I knew that we were on a collision course with this city. I knew more than anything, Satan did not want us here. Just as D-Day was the turning point in World War Two, Fresno is our D-Day.
This city which is ravaged by drugs, gang violence, and homelessness, is a gateway city. 
It holds the key to reaching the rest of California. 
The Holy Spirit needs to be poured out here.  There needs to be a core of workers who will brave very dangerous territory, as they bring the Word of God.  We are more than justified in spending as much time and money in this town as in all our other tent crusades combined.  Think of that! 
That is why we are finalizing a contract to use Chukhansi Stadium in Fresno.  And that is one reason why I am writing to you. Fresno holds the key to our next level in California. A victory here, will multiply what we do next. A set back here will be a clear threat to our momentum.
Yes, I am going to ask for your help, but first I want to tell you some very important facts.
The anti-American Left is targeting the young people in our inner cities. Their insidious lies work on the young impressionable minds of our children.  Social media is leftist. The damage the left has done takes your breath away. 
They have dominated education, media, and virtually all youth culture.
The curse of the Left is keenly felt in the inner city, where a hatred for America and for Israel is widespread. This is alarming for more than just the obvious reasons. 
It is a disaster for the cause of freedom and for the church in America.
California is the matrix for this wicked ideology. God sent us here first of all to lead youth to Jesus. But along with that, is our mandate to expose the lies that poison our children’s minds. Of course they need to have their minds renewed by Christ first, but after that, they need to be shown that America is not evil, and that by loving Israel, it blesses America.
In the tent, you will hear me preach the pure Gospel, beginning at the Cross. 
However, after that we attack the legislated immorality which Democrats have force-fed these innocent minds. But, by no means are we a political rally. I preach from the Bible! Judges 2:10, warns America, “and there arose another generation that knew not God, neither the things that He had done for Israel.”
California has the power to destroy America’s freedom:  If this truth were known, every church in the United States would be backing us, and every believer in America would be praying and supporting us. That’s how vital our mission to California is for this nation.

The agenda that is oozing out of California is out to destroy every value you and I hold dear. If California leftists with their billions get their way, it will result in a horror for which there are no words. 
Democrats will create chaos and tyranny. Ignoring this will condemn your children and grandchildren to live in a world that is too terrible to describe. Worst of all, you won’t be there to protect them. 
Signs and wonders must accompany the preaching: The drugs, the lies, and the hatred are so thick that our crowds are beyond words.  By that, I mean that the demonic power which is blinding them, cannot be broken with words alone. That evil power must be broken, as God confirms His words with signs following.
That is why I am daily before God, seeking to surrender, in order to bring a new level of power in our tent meetings.
Again, I never ask for money on my blog. This time I must because the alternative is too terrible to describe.  But the wonderful part is that we can do the impossible!
I am asking for you to give me war bonds. That is exactly what they are! We are in a war for the very soul of a nation. We have been invaded by God-hating forces that will not back down. Our only choice is to follow our victorious Lord—the Lion of Judah, into this battle.
You know what is at stake. You know why I am asking. You know I will buy the tools and ammunition for total victory against the devil.  I am praying and believing that the Holy Spirit will move you to be bold, generous, and loving in your gift to the Cause of Christ in California.
Simply use this link to our donation page. 
You can also text MMM to 91999 or mail a check made out to MMM to Box 7000 Reno NV 89520
Help me to do the impossible! I can’t thank you enough for your gift to win souls in California.
Mario Murillo

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