Friday, August 2, 2019


AOC, Omar Increasingly Giving Nod to Political Violence

The Far Left, including Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Ilhan Omar, is increasingly  giving a nod to political violence against opponents.
Most recently, in an interview on a radio show where the host was berating “white supremacist Jews” (read: any Jew that supports Trump, a concept AOC agreed with), AOC  went on to sanction political violence by the Palestinians, saying,
I believe that injustice is a threat to the safety of all people, because once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalized and marginalized — once someone doesn’t have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot, right?”
Two weeks earlier, AOC refused to condemn the Antifa attack on the Tacoma ICE center:
.@AOC refuses to condemn the Antifa attack on the Tacoma ICE center; refuses to tell @TheRealKeean if her inflammatory comments about “concentration camps” radicalized the attacker.
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The freshman congresswoman isn’t alone in refusing to condemn violence. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who has repeatedly dipped into language that slurs the Jewish people, is also openly embracing calls for violence against political opponents.
Ilhan Omar’s brilliant Monday idea is RTing this celebration of a violent physical assault on a fellow Member of Congress who was actually attacked. Incredibly gross.
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Increased rhetoric for violence isn’t exclusive to the the Far-Left congressowmen. As reported by Breitbart, Borat director Larry Charles went on Twitter declaring a call to arms against political opponents.
For Charles, political opponents are what he describes as “Maga people” who he lazily clumps as white supremacists despite the fact that conservative Americans are made up from a broad spectrum of ethnicities and backgrounds.
Clarion Project is part of a collective of frontline organizations leading the way against these calls for political violence such as those which might be inspired by Charles and our elected officials.
Last week, Clarion’s National Correspondent Shireen Qudosi joined Candace Owens and Laura Ingraham to discuss how the political Left’s obsession with identity politics is a “gateway drug to radicalization,” one which offers a pathway to acts of violence.
Ryan Mauro, director of Clarion’s Intelligence Network and Clarion’s Shillman Fellow, warns of the “war of extremes,” in which society accelerates toward hate and violence, in part because of the “mass communication resources at our disposal and 24/7 connectivity.”


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