Friday, August 2, 2019


The Debate Last night proved once and for all that a Democrat win would be a disaster even for Democrats. 
Leftists dream of a Trump loss, not realizing how horrendously they would reap what they have sown. 
The Left has poisoned the well so completely that it will be impossible for a Democrat to govern. 
A Trump loss would absolutely push millions over the edge, and only God knows what that would look like.
Here are the 3 reasons why it would be a nightmare for Democrats as well as for the rest of us, if Trump were to be defeated:
1. Americans, by the tens of millions will believe the election was rigged.  And, they will adamantly reject the results and force legal action.  Even those who are not currently Trump supporters believe that an elite group of leftists are in control of the social and news media platforms.  We know that they manipulate and censor information.  We know this elite group is fiercely anti-Trump. We know this cadre has the power to rig an election. Google has been caught in a scheme to add millions of votes to the Democrat candidate.  Facebook has leaked the fact that they will choke off Trump ads and shadow ban any post that asks people to vote for Trump.  We already know that CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, and CBS will saturate America with anti-Trump propaganda.
 2. The economy would instantly plunge downward. Does a Democrat really want to oversee the greatest collapse of jobs and wealth since the great depression?  The nation will blame the Democrat Party.
It is one of history’s greatest miscalculations to believe that veering left is what Americans want. Yet, all of the Democrat candidates are falling over each other to be as far left as possible.  The Socialist/LGBTQ/Anti-Israel rants play well to the oxygen deprived audiences of Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders. However, they scare the liver out of the majority of Americans.
If the day were to come when a Democrat takes the oath of office, all that will be seen by millions of Americans, is impending economic disaster.
3. Millions of people will make it their aim to be as rude and unfair to both the Democrat President and their followers, as the Left was to Trump and his supporters. I am in no way condoning this—I am merely predicting what would take place.  It  tragic that the Left destroyed civil discourse. 
A Democrat win would mean open season to say, print, or publish whatever vile slur comes to mind, because that is the model that has been created by the Democrat Party. A vast segment of the population would remember that Trump was the most unfairly, falsely, and cruelly treated President since Abraham Lincoln.
The backlash for all that the Left has been doing, such as: assaulting people in MAGA hats, spitting on them in restaurants, their elected officials calling for harassment and for chasing down Trump supporters, and for all the violence committed by Antifa, has set the tone for the new President.
In Red States, masses would push their representatives to block everything the new Democrat President tried to do, and would take out their rage on any and every Democrat politician in their home State. Forget about any new appointments to the Supreme Court.
You may ask, “Mario, are you saying I should vote for Trump even though I violently disagree with him?” No, I am not. What I am saying is that you, who are leftists, have done a great evil to America. I am saying that defeating Trump will not bring the elation you fantasize about—it will bring even more misery.  And, why not? It is only fair that you should suffer along with the rest of us.
However, Trump is going to win. And, if you only realized what that means for the future of America, you would be relieved to know that it is true.

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