Deepika Emmanuel Sagar
I was given a book on curses.
After lying unread in my home for a long time, I finally read the table of contents.
It started by defining what curses are, types of curses, and then it had a chapter about curses from God.
I read this particular chapter to see what the author advocates.
It claimed that God sends curses to teach us and to bring us closer to him along with other points.
What a lie about our Father God!
It’s amazing to see that some people and their ministries are spreading these lies and trying to convince others to believe them.
Could you ever imagine cursing your child to teach them and bring them closer to you in obedience?
How can one trust and have faith in a God who they claim brings curses and blessings on His children?
If one believes that God brings curses, then how can they stand for the finished work of Christ?
These are strange things, indeed, but people are only affected by curses because of their belief in Satan’s lies.
The truth is, in Christ, we have been set free from all curses.
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us Gal 3:13a ESV
In Christ, we are under the blessings for the righteous, and God calls us to speak blessings and not curses, just as He does.
From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. James 3:10 ESV
What we need to concentrate on are the blessings of God, not the lies of Satan.
Dr. Sagar lives in India with her family and does freelance writing. She authored - The Power of Silent Hours – a collection of devotional, psalms and poetry. Contact
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