Friday, June 28, 2019


NBC News analyst Jonathan Allen has declared Donald Trump the winner of the first Democratic debate!
Allen wrote, “the Democrats seemed more focused on positioning themselves furthest to the left to win over primary voters, rather than appealing to the swing voters that decided the 2016 election. 
For long stretches, it seemed, they completely forgot about the man who has been at the center of pretty much every discussion among Democrats for the last two-plus years
 — the man they’re competing to take on next year. 
The obvious reason: 
The motivation to beat each other was, on this night, more urgent than defeating Trump 
— a life-or-death moment for some of their campaigns. Trump was the chief beneficiary of that dynamic.”
Allen went on to explain that, 
“Even though he is a uniquely antagonizing and energizing force for Democratic voters,” the President emerged “largely unscathed,” despite a few mentions from candidates such as Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, who received “hearty applause” when he described Trump as “the greatest threat to the country.”
“But for the most part, he was an afterthought,” Allen continued, arguing that Trump served as “the chief beneficiary” of the numerous candidates fighting to keep their heads above water.
Allen’s conclusion is that the Democrats risk 
“losing sight of Trump, [which] will allow him to exploit their divisions and position himself for re-election. 
He was one step closer to that after Wednesday’s debate.”
Why are we surprised by this? 
The debate was tedious and, quite frankly, annoying. 
It confirmed what we all know…that Democrat candidates live in an echo chamber safe from reality. 
They have no idea how they look to real Americans, because they are constantly surrounded by audiences who are drunk on the delusions of ‘free everything;’ 
they hate everyone who is not like them, and spout catch phrases that so often give Trump ammunition.
Allen said something at the end of his article that I totally agree with: 
“”If I were Brad Parscale, Donald Trump’s campaign manager, I would be dancing a jig—because if this is the way the Democrats and the media want to discuss the economy and immigration, he is going to have a field day with the quotes they will generate from now until the election.” 

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