As you know, there is a lot of talk about paying for the sins of slavery and racism.
On the face of it, reparations sound right, until you dig a little deeper and find out the true beliefs of those who are calling for reparations.
You will see it is not about justice
—it is about the total eradication of America as we know it.
Ta-Nehisi Coates is a journalist who is one of the primary voices pushing for reparations.
He just appeared before Congress to demand them.
The trouble is he believes America is irredeemable.
In his article entitled, The Call For Reparations Isn’t About Justice, It’s About Power, John Daniel Davidson helps us see the true nature of Mr. Coates proposals:
“Ta-Nehisi Coates Believes America Is Irredeemable.
To him, America was from the beginning a regime based on injustice and theft and violence. His 2014 Atlantic cover story on reparations is not so much an argument for reparations as an argument against America.”
Then Davidson quotes Coates: “America begins in black plunder and white democracy, two features that are not contradictory but complementary.”
Davidson concludes, “Another way of expressing this is to say that America is irredeemable, and that in order for justice to prevail, the regime itself must be destroyed—violently, if necessary.”
Ta-Nehishi Coates’ violent solution was confirmed in a 2017 podcast. The host, Ezra Klein asked Coates what he thought justice would look like for black Americans. Klein wrote:
“When he (Coates) tries to describe the events that would erase America’s wealth gap that would see the end of white supremacy, his thoughts flicker to the French Revolution, to the executions and the terror.”
Coates told him,
“It’s very easy for me to see myself being contemporary with processes that might make for an equal world, more equality, and maybe the complete abolition of race as a construct, and being horrified by the process, maybe even attacking the process.
I think these things don’t tend to happen peacefully.”
In other words, justice would come with blood.
Reparations are about seizing power.
They are not suing for damages; they are hoping to topple a way of life.
The same thing goes for all the progressives.
Each policy is a stepping stone toward erasing America.
Flood the population, censor patriots, and assassinate character.
By all means possible, attack and chip away at freedom.
A combination of equality and justice is the Trojan horse that their violent intentions rode in on.
Keep a bottle of Pepto handy when you watch the first Democratic debate.
The candidates will try to out-left each other.
They will compete to point out everything that is wrong with America.
They won’t admit that they believe we need to set aside the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution—they won’t admit that they believe America is irredeemable—but nothing else explains the rhetoric they spew.
All of them believe America must be removed.
How else can Democrat candidates get away with having zero ideas, zero solutions, and zero plans?
It is because they appeal to those who hate America.
Why waste time repairing something you believe can’t be fixed and must be done away with?
Why not just keep feeding the blood lust of your base?
Do you seriously believe they hate Trump for his past or for his viewpoints?
He is guilty of finding America fixable.
“Make America Great Again” is a declaration of war to a Left that wants an America they believe to be irredeemable, to go away.
My greatest frustration with modern Christians is that against the backdrop of history, they are too slow to understand the approach of danger.
They don’t have the stomach to finally grasp what the Left has now become—insurgents and revolutionaries.
And they must be regarded as such.
Sherlock Holmes said,
“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”
It is impossible for so much venom and hatred for America to be a matter of mere political opinion.
It is impossible for social media to ban anyone with opposing opinions so blatantly.
It is impossible for the Democrat candidates to spout so many crazy ideas, unless they are appealing to a mindset that hates America.
No matter how improbable you may find their desire to eradicate your freedom
—their actions and proposals for the future of America have eliminated all doubt, and it must be the truth.
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