Friday, April 26, 2019


Miracles sometimes come in strange packages. 
Abolish air travel. 
Spend 20 trillion dollars. 
Ban meat. 
Give the Boston Bomber the right to vote from prison. 
Jesus was not Jewish. 
Shut down the energy producing companies. 
Get rid of all private insurance companies.
 Give free health care and college to all illegals.  
Kill babies after they are born. 
I kid you not. T
These are the exact words of Democrat politicians.
They seem like they are under the influence of something that forces them to act in their own worst interest. 
Are we watching a miracle like the night that Trump won the election? 
Is the Democrat Party a tower of Babel where God has come down to confound their language?
They utter complete madness with a straight face. 
All the loony ideas the Democrat party used to filter our or hide among themselves in smoky back rooms are now front and center. 
It seems they can’t help themselves. 
Even when they know it damages them, they keep talking crazy. 
Even when they are presented with incontrovertible facts, they hold to patented lies.
The Democrat Party alienates mainstream America. 
Why don’t they care? 
I believe it is because of God. 
I believe we are seeing an answer to prayer. 
The Bible says, “2 Thessalonians 2:10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 
11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie…”
But another kind of judgement has fallen on them: division.    
We are watching a good old fashioned, Old Testament event like when God confused the enemies of Israel and divided them among themselves.
Here’s the post where I predicted that this would happen
Remember the first miracle we saw the night that Trump was elected. 
Every media outlet except Fox News guaranteed a Clinton victory.  
As the evening wore on, a shift began to take place. 
None of the leftists could believe it. 
Soon their dismissive expressions turned to dismay as the seemingly impossible was happening right before their eyes.
Are we watching another miracle? 
As the Mueller investigation stumbles into oblivion with nothing to show for the millions they wasted—
as the tide turns in what only a couple of weeks ago seemed a devastating time for Trump and Republicans—
are we seeing prayer being answered right before our eyes?
There is a law of war that says “never stop your enemy when they are making a mistake.” 
That means we take action. 
It means we must reach out with greater fervency. 
Now is the time for mass soul winning because a threat to our freedom has been set back. 
This is no time for overconfidence or apathy. 
New threats are coming. 
This is a moment we have been waiting for–when the minds of Americans can change. 
You have a part in this miracle. Speak up. 
Pray. Spread the Gospel. 

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