Saturday, April 27, 2019


12-31-18 A.F. Branco



Exclusive: Patrice Lewis on how alternative-energy types alienate potential customers

Well another Earth Day has come and gone, a false holiday where progressives the world over show off their carbon footprints by getting in cars or planes and traveling to huge gatherings where they praise each other’s planetary stewardship while condemning those who aren’t as enlightened.
At these events, carbon-footprint hypocrites like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Al Gore are celebrated while enthusiasts paint their communist agenda in greenwashed color.
When asked to justify this blatant carbon-footprint hypocrisy, the best the left can come up with is, 
“Well, these people have big platforms with huge audiences, so their political impact is more important than their wasteful, energy-intensive lifestyle.” 
In response to accusations of hypocrisy, AOC said the Green New Deal is about systemic change – 
not about personal gas-guzzling practices. Leftists further snark that 
“the focus on hypocrisy (and individual accountability) is an outgrowth of a ‘small government and personal freedoms’ political philosophy.”
Oh, you mean the small government and personal freedoms laid down by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution and Bill of Rights? 
THAT political philosophy?
Anything “green” has been hijacked by the communists/socialists, who use the term as a club to bash conservatives who doesn’t fall in with their political agenda, no matter how lightly those conservatives walk on the earth.
But not everyone who lives with a low carbon footprint does so because they want to make America socialist. 
Some of us live lightly because we’re interested in independence and self-sufficiency, and even – shocking, I know – 
being good stewards of God’s creation.
In a poignant and painfully honest essay, environmentalist Jamie Beck Alexander admitted that her politically conservative, Trump-voting, blue-collar, climate-change-pooh-poohing, nature-loving father who lives in a small town (she terms him a “naturalist”) has a far lower carbon footprint than she does. 
“I’ve racked up over a million miles of flying during my work in the [environmental] aid industry, and wore it like a badge of honor,” she admits, adding:
And through it all, I judged [my family] for what I deemed a parochial lifestyle, blind to the environmental impacts of my global one. Somewhere along the line, people like me decided that lifestyles like those of my parents, rooted in small towns and content to stay there, were inferior and unsophisticated. We did this with little respect for the connection to the natural world around them that they may have, and without acknowledging the low-carbon footprint of their local ways of life. … I, like many other environmentalists, selectively decide that what “they” do (drive SUVs, buy conventional produce, etc.) is way worse than what “we” do (exorbitant flying and moving about the world). … Most in the environmental movement are typically unaware of this hypocrisy. Environmentalism has evolved to make little room for people such as my father.
The environmental movement has not yet fully tapped into the sense of history and sustenance that naturalists might provide. In doing so, we exclude a huge number of people who care about the earth and are deeply connected to it. This has played a role, I suspect, in why my father’s fascination with nature and the cosmos did not turn into environmentalism. If this group felt welcome and that their lifestyles and knowledge were valued, they may be more willing to vote for the causes that align with their environmental interests, and we might more rapidly move to a carbon-free economy. … It has taken me a long time to face my environmental hypocrisy. [Emphasis added.]
Ms. Alexander at least understands what most environmentalists who reside in urban areas won’t admit: 
How green most of rural and small-town Americans – 
ya know, those deplorable Trump-voting, Bible-reading, “bitterly clinging” troglodytes who refuse to support Bernie Sanders or AOC – really are … 
and I mean really really green.
The contempt the left feels for the right hinders the very things progressives claim to champion, such as solar power. 
The incomparable Dave Duffy, founder of Backwoods Home Magazine, noted this dichotomy in a commentary entitled 
In attending the solar energy industry’s two largest events in the country, he feels like he’s entering enemy territory. 
“The reason highlights a major failing of the alternative energy industry, and of the solar industry in particular: 
I am a political conservative, and these major solar events, and most of the corporations that take part in them, are dominated by liberal environmentalists who insist on parading their ideology in my face and in the faces of my readers.”
Duffy notes his magazine’s reader base wants – 
and has the money to buy – solar energy products. 
More importantly, these readers far outnumber buyers who buy mainly for environmental reasons. 
Yet when the readers of Backwoods Home Magazine, who are 90 percent conservative and libertarian, reach out to buy a solar panel,
 “they must endure the drubbing of environmental ‘save the planet’ messages that they view as false or hysterical. … 
Not only does the message turn many readers off and cause them not to buy these energy products, but it perpetuates the myth that solar and other renewable energies can only compete on a ‘save the planet’ basis.”
Many conservatives are interested in independence and self-sufficiency.
 We’re natural candidates for green living, yet we’re turned away at the gate because we don’t support the socialist politics tied up with the industry. 
“If you want to sell to the rural market, appeal to us,” advises Duffy. 
“Leave your ideology behind, as it only nauseates us, and we have difficulty reaching for our wallets when nauseated.”
This is why environmentalists cannot penetrate mainstream America, people like Jamie Beck Alexander’s dad.
What it comes down to is this: 
Ultimately environmentalists are not actually interested in saving the environment. 
They’re only interested in control. 
They hate people like us not because we’re not green, but because we’re not socialist. 
We object to advancing socialism under the umbrella of “environmentalism” because we know it will do nothing but wreck our nation
We know the environmentalist movement is not a plan to save the earth, 
but to destroy capitalism and turn America communist.
It’s about power, not footprint. 
For this, progressives hate our guts. 
And so the Earth Day hypocrisy continues.


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