Friday, February 1, 2019


Todd Starnes Show Podcast Now Free!

My one-hour podcast is now free! It's available on a variety of platforms including iTunes. The podcast features my opening monologue along with interviews from news makers. Today, Dr. James Dobson and Gov. Mike Huckabee are featured guests! Click here to subscribe and listen! 

Exclusive: Pre-Order My New Book! 

You are the very first to hear the news about my new book, "Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation."
The Left is bulldozing through American history. We the People are the only ones who can stop them.

America is on the verge of another Civil War. Socialism is on the rise. Free Speech is under assault. People of Faith are facing persecution. Gun owners are in the crosshairs. Our public schools have been turned into indoctrination centers.

A leftist mob made up of socialist politicians, academic elites, raging feminists, and effete Pajama Boys has partnered with Antifa, illegal aliens, and other radical groups to finish what President Obama started—a fundamental transformation of our nation.

Can America be saved?

Political columnist, commentator, author, and radio host Todd Starnes addresses this issue and more in Culture Jihad. He believes that if good-hearted patriots rise up together we can stop the jihad. It is possible to keep America great. Click here to pre-order your copy today! 

Christian Americans: It's Time to Mobilize! 

Democrats want to legalize the killing of newborn babies. Socialism is on the rise. Religious liberty is under attack. Leftists are trying to redefine the family. So what are we going to do about it?

That's the focus of my "One Nation Under God" conference, May 3-4, 2019 in Atlanta. We are expecting hundreds of Christians from around the nation to gather for a weekend of inspirational messages, hands-on workshops, and incredible fellowship.

The weekend conference will include speeches by Dr. Robert Jeffress, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, First Liberty Institute president Kelly Shackelford, RNC spokesperson Kayley McEnany, radio host Janet Parshall,radio host Meeke AddisonKristan Hawkins, president of Students For Life, Truett McConnell University president Emir Caner, and West Coast Baptist College president Paul Chappell. We are also hosting an incredible panel discussion featuring members of the House Freedom Caucus.

The conference cost is $55 per person and includes a delicious Chick-fil-A lunch on Saturday! Click here for more information and to register!

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