Tuesday, January 29, 2019


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Officials raid Bible Reformed Church
Strengthen persecuted Chinese Christians today through your support and prayers!

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“Persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”

Our Christian family in China is experiencing the reality of 2 Corinthians 4:9 as they continue to suffer under an ongoing government crackdown throughout the country.

Pastors and other Christians are being handcuffed, interrogated, arrested and imprisoned. Churches, both registered and unregistered, are being raided, closed and even demolished.

Though persecuted and “struck down,” our Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ know they are neither forsaken nor destroyed. And your prayers and support make a difference.

One Chinese house-church pastor who has been harassed by authorities in recent months remains resolute in his commitment to worship God freely.

After spending five days in detention, Pastor Huang Xiaoning of Guangzhou’s Bible Reformed Church (pictured below, with his family) returned to find the doors of his church building locked by the government.

But even as policemen looked on and recorded the incident on video, Pastor Huang sawed the lock off the church door and ripped down public notices declaring the church closed.
Pastor Huang Xiaoning
VOM workers documented 528 church closures in 2018, and there were likely many more.

As Chinese Christians suffer attacks, arrests and imprisonment for their faith in Christ, you can help strengthen them not only through prayer but also by providing Bibles and other practical aid.

Please join us in standing with these faithful believers, reminding them that they are not forgotten.

You can
  1. pray for those who live and serve Christ in China
  2. provide Bibles to believers in China
  3. help send daily necessities and ministry tools to families of persecuted Christians

Your generous online gift will let Chinese Christians know that the body of Christ is standing with them as persecution continues throughout their country.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support of Christian families who are struggling under an oppressive Communist government. Your gift will be a great encouragement and reminder that they are not alone or forgotten, but are cherished members of Christ’s body.

Please continue to pray that Chinese Christians will remain bold and faithful in the face of persecution.
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