Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.



'Hillary Clinton looked like a rank amateur old maid compared to' senator

Kamala Harris, the radically pro-abortion former attorney general from California and now U.S. senator, comes off as a “female Barack Obama,” according to talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh.

He was commenting Monday on Harris’ weekend event announcing her 2020 candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president in which 20,000 people showed up.
“She punches a lot of buttons for the left. 
She checks off a lot of boxes: Female, African-American, identity politics extraordinaire. 
She’s had an affair with Willie Brown. 
They asked him about it and she said, ‘So what?’ 
He’s right. 
‘So what? 
So somebody had an affair. 
On the Democrat side, do you think that matters?’ 
He’s laughing at people. 
‘So what? I’ve helped a lot of women,” Limbaugh said.
The weekend event also put a spotlight on the Democratic Party of the past, namely Hillary Clinton, who’s lost two races for the Oval Office but still can’t confirm she won’t try again in 2020.
“Hillary Clinton looked like a rank amateur old maid compared to Kamala Harris. 
You know what they said about Hillary – Smartest Woman in the World – and I was surprised, because my impression of this woman watching her as a senator and seeing some of her comments and some of her question time, I thought she was dunce-like. 
But, see, there’s no teleprompter in judicial confirmation hearings, and she had a prompter, and she had a written speech – rehearsed, no doubt – and I’m just telling you, she could be very dangerous,” he said.
Harris is just one of dozens of Democrats, from Joe Biden to Elizabeth Warren, who have been the subject of 2020 talk.
Limbaugh said she sounded good, if one ignored the substance of what she was saying.
“The overall look, just the look was such there was nothing to pick apart, other than the substance, other than her ideology. 
And we know that didn’t work on Obama,” he said. 
“We told everybody under the sun who the guy was, and we were right. We told everybody what would happen to the economy. 
We told everybody what would happen with health care. 
We told everybody what an Obama presidency was gonna be, and they didn’t care. 
They voted for him irrespective of that. 
They voted for him because they wanted to shed the label they were racist, so voting for the first black candidate, have a chance to win, that’s all that mattered.”
But he warned her surge to stardom may come at a cost.
“If I were Kamala Harris today, I don’t know that I would like what’s going on. 
You never want to be the front-runner two years out. 
You got nowhere to go. 
You got nowhere else to go.”
He noted Harris was talking about the “American dream” in her bid-launching speech
But Limbaugh said the “attack” on that dream is coming from Harris herself.
“This isn’t even arguable. 
The American dream and American democracy are under siege by the American left, who do not like America as founded. 
This isn’t even, as I say, arguable,” he explained. 
“Now, I find it fascinating that a radical leftist is trying to cajole other radical leftists to support her on something that they hate: 
the American dream. 
You know why they hate the American dream? 
Because they think it’s left them out by design. 
These people think that the American dream was for white Christians only. 
That the Founding Fathers set up America for white Christians only and that everybody else may as well be a slave or inhuman.”
He noted Harris could be Biden’s vice presidential nominee.
But if Michelle Obama runs, “then Kamala Who? and Joe Who? and Howard Who? and all the rest of ’em who? 
If Michelle – and I do believe that she’s thinking about it, and I do believe. … I don’t think they’ve made up their mind yet.”
Harris advocates Medicare for all, debt-free college and other socialist programs.
Read more at https://www.wnd.com/2019/01/limbaugh-kamala-harris-could-be-very-dangerous/#m3FSZPPQHi2AAVkI.99

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