“…sons of God, without fault, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world. Hold forth the word of life…” — Philippians 2:15-16
Paul tells us that we should bear witness to the world, both by the lives we live and by the word which is the Gospel.
This is a twofold duty and responsibility, which is laid upon every Christian, that we are to be witnesses to Him both by our lives and by our lips, that we are to shine and we are to hold forth the word of life.
And so, dear friend, I would ask you, are you doing that?
Did you hold forth the word of life to anyone recently?
We should ask God to place opportunities in our path in which we might share the good news that has changed our lives.
May God grant you the determination to say, “I will indeed determine to be a light in a dark world and hold forth the word of life to a dying world that they may hear the Gospel and be saved.”
Paul says, “…that I may rejoice on the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain” (Philippians 2:16).
This is an amazing openness on the part of the apostle.
He calls upon them to show a godly life and to hold forth the word of life that he may rejoice in the day of Christ.
May God give us the grace that we be faithful followers of Christ, shining as lights and holding forth the word of life, bringing many to the knowledge of the Savior.
Jesus Christ, Light of the world, thank You for being my light and my salvation. May I hold out Your light today, both in my words and by holy living…
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