Saturday, December 29, 2018


who laid the foundations of this earth
Who measured the waters by the hallow of his hand
who marks off the heavens with the breadth of His hand
who collected the dust of the earth and carries them in a basket
who measured the mountains on the scales the hills in a balance
who sits enthrone above the circle of the earth and in his eyes we are but grass hoppers
who stretches out the heavens like a canopy and like a tent to live in
who created the beautiful starry host and calls them each by name
Who told the sun where to stand in the morning
who told the ocean it can only come this far
who hung the moon in the starry sky
whose voice alone can catch a falling star
who told the moon where to hide until evening
who wrote the songs for the birds to sing
who taught the birds how to sing
who taught the fish how to swim
who taught the dog how to bark
who commanded the morning and show the dawn its place
who created the rainbows colors
who give the wind a voice
who clothed the horses neck with a beautiful flowing mane
who created a channel for the lightning & a pathway for the thunder storm
whose voice is full of Power & Majesty
whose voice thunders from on high
whose voice breaks in pieces the cedar of Lebanon
who is full of weighty splendor
who is the Lily of the Valley
who is the Light of the World
who is the Lamb of God
who is the bread of Life
who is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
who is the Anointing Oil
Who is the Rose of Sharon
who is the Healing Balm of Gilead
who is the I AM that I AM, The GREAT I AM
who is the Ancient of Days
who is the Chief Corner stone
who is the Rock of Ages
who is the only one fit to open the seal
who is the one ridding on His horse with his ROBE dripped in the blood of nations
who levels the mountains and make the crooked paths straight
who breaks in pieces the gates of bronze and cut through the bars of iron
who gives me the treasures of darkness & the riches stored in secret places
who prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies
who is the Mighty Warrior
who is the Man of War
who is Mighty in battle
who is Powerful in warfare
who is fearful in Praises
who is Awesome in Glory
who is Majestic in Holiness
who is Wonderful & Full of Wonders
These are just a few words to describe how wonderful, awesome, majestic, powerful, loving, kind and holy my Jesus is. You are Glowing, Radiant, Holy Undefiled God. This is just to say how much I love you JESUS!
You are the Lord of the Dance and you are the Dance. You are All that and so much more. Jesus this is my birthday card to you.

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