Sunday, December 2, 2018





Exclusive: Craige McMillan warns of 'the artificial intelligence algorithms'

Despite the ugliness of today’s political discourse, few – almost none, I suspect – understand what the war now being waged is really about.
Nor do most understand that the two sides to this war are irreconcilable. 
Only one side can prevail, and it will determine the destiny of humanity … forever.
It would be linguistically accurate yet at the same time meaningless to describe this war as “good versus evil.” 

In the era of “my truth and your truth,” everyone has their own truth. 

They also have their own version of good and evil, usually built upon what they want to do, and what they want others not to do. 

The one is good, the other evil.
Yet if everyone has their own truth, and truth is no longer universally agreed-upon, there is no truth. 
That is the point at which government tyranny inserts itself. 
Real truth must exist both inside and outside of ourselves, and it must pervade the culture of which we are a part.
Those currently out of power but wanting to return would describe their side as good and the other evil. 
Those currently in power would describe those on the outside now blocking their agendas as evil and themselves good. 
Thus in discussing truth, we can’t even agree upon good and evil.
It used to be that these disagreements were solved, at least among nations, with war. 
This was usually the last step in the disagreement, because the cost to both the victor and the loser were both so high. 
Mutually Assured Destruction in the nuclear world has made that option, thankfully, unusable. 
But as the weapons proliferate from the hands of the great powers, that may not always be the case.
In the era of Mutually Assured Destruction, another form of government grew up around the concept. 
It was government by the better-educated, who were recruited into bureaucratic service and worked to move their agenda slowly ahead. 
They realized it might take generations, but they were prepared for that. 
The choice as to who was admitted was made early, by Ivy League colleges, but stabilized by families able to pay the tuition.
Ivy League graduates ended up in the State Department, as Cabinet officials and as advisers to the president and his Cabinet. 
With 9/11 and perhaps much earlier, this system went off the rails. 
The elites who went into government “service” flipped John Kennedy’s words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” 
The more modern version became, “What can my country do for me?”
Few are aware of this, but a new guard has arisen to challenge the old, corrupted elites. 
As money and power have gravitated toward Silicon Valley and its masters, a new plan for humanity has emerged from their success. 
By providing their services for “free,” they have gathered massive amounts of intimate, personal detail from everyone who uses their services.
Big Tech is selling this data to advertisers, or more correctly, firms that do internet advertising for others. 
This is how they have kept competitors at bay and grown to become worth billions of dollars.
Both the data itself, and the income they derive from selling it for advertising and other purposes, is fueling artificial intelligence efforts to become the gatekeepers of good and evil for humanity.
What is Silicon Valley’s truth? 
What is their good and evil? 
Well, in the world of “your truth, my truth and their truth,” it’s whatever they say it is. 
Truth, good and evil will be defined by them. 
It will be administered by their artificial intelligence algorithms, which all of us so generously educated, by providing intimate details that can be encoded and manipulated by their software.
If you view mankind as a machine, this plan makes perfect sense. 
The cosmos and everything in it arose by accident, and that includes men and women. 
Thus human beings are infinitely malleable. 
This series of inputs equals that series of outputs, for this particular individual.
It’s the individual that has always been the problem, but the power of artificial intelligence sitting astride immense computational power and coupled to almost infinite data storage is their answer to the individual. 
The artificial intelligence algorithms are building a data model of each one of us. 
Thus, we are rapidly approaching the era when Silicon Valley realizes the elusive dream of omniscience – being all knowing about everyone. 
Other nations have their own versions of Silicon Valley, especially China, where individuals with the right attitudes will receive social credits, and vice-versa.
Alone against this technological monolith of mankind as being infinitely malleable stand the Jewish and Christian faiths, in the persons of Adam and Eve, who were created beings. 
Jews and Christians share this early history with God: Men and women made in God’s image, a triune creation of body, soul and spirit. 
Each individual is unique, born to a specific purpose, yet has free will and can choose to cooperate with God, or not.
Humanity stands at the precipice. 
Big Tech and Big Deity cannot both be right.

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