Thursday, November 29, 2018


What Was Adam and Eve’s Sin? 
Sheriena McEvers

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. Genesis 3:6 NKV

What was Adam and Eve’s sin? What did they do that was so bad they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden? Was eating the forbidden fruit all that important?

Satan didn’t tempt them with some awful sin. No. But, it touched the core of all sin, independence from God. Pride in thinking they could be like God. That they could run their own lives, knowing more than God.

Sin, the sinful nature is our problem. All sins have their root in independence. All through the Old Testament, we read how his people turned from God to go their own way. And all through the prophets, God pleads with them to return to him and be reconciled to him.

It wasn’t an impulsive decision. They knew the rules, so to speak. God had warned them, probably multiple times (like he did in the Old Testament times).

After Satan deceived Eve, they had time to consider their options. After considering both sides, they made their choice:

* they chose to believe Satan
* they chose to take sides against their creator
* they chose to believe the deceiver rather than their creator
* they chose independence 

Today, when we sin, we choose not to believe God, we choose not to believe he is enough and has our best in mind. When we sin, we choose to believe Satan, whatever the temptation.

Father God, I choose to believe you and not the deceiver, to trust you to know more than I do. Amen

Contact Sheriena and read more of her articles HERE.

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