Friday, November 2, 2018


Dear Friends Who Want to Pray for America,
Will you join me and thousands of others throughout the month of November as we pray for America by focusing on these three prayer priorities? Each of us joining together daily or once a week over these priorities can be absolutely powerful. 
Our nation needs prayer. Our midterm elections need prayer. Our leaders need prayer. We have major issues facing our nation that we need to pray about continually. We have a newly-released theme for our upcoming 2019 National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 2, 2019. 
The theme is LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Please download and begin to share this infographic now. Through 21 days of personal prayer and fasting, I am firmly convinced this is the heart of God for our nation. From the church to every level of American life and government, we must rise up and be distinguished by one thing: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. 
This is God’s will. Rise up and join us in advancing and forwarding this powerful, biblical, Jesus-centered theme across our nation from today through the 2019 National Day of Prayer on May 2, 2019. 
Please share these prayer priorities with friends, churches, and leaders across America and the world. Knowing these critical needs in our nation, how can we not? Thank you for sharing these prayer needs across social media sites and through your personal relationships. 
Now is the Time to Lead and to Pray for America,
Dr. Ronnie Floyd
President, National Day of Prayer Task Force 
1. Ask the Lord to move upon His people to vote in the midterm elections on Tuesday, November 6.
“Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God. So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves.” ROMANS 13:1-2
  • LORD, may Your people PRAY over the candidates and KNOW the issues as they go to vote on November 6.
  • FATHER, move upon Your people to VOTE on November 6.
  • HOLY SPIRIT, empower GOD’S PEOPLE to not only vote, but to STAND upon biblical teachings and convictions as they do so.
  • LORD GOD, give each person WISDOM from God as they vote.
  • SOVEREIGN LORD, please raise up with grace and mercy, the leaders to govern over our nation locally, regionally, statewide, and nationally.
  • LORD, our future and security are in YOUR HANDS, not in any political party in our nation; therefore, we trust You alone.
2. Appeal to God for the president and vice-president, along with the president’s cabinet and both houses of congress to lead our nation with godly wisdom about the major issues facing our nation.
“Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God—who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly—and it will be given to him.” James 1:5
We ask for godly wisdom from You alone to rule through the leaders of our nation about these major issues facing our nation:
  • IMMIGRATION: The thousands of refugees from other countries who are converging upon our nation as a caravan, seeking physical refuge and hope.
  • MIDTERM ELECTIONS: Acceptance of one another and working together for the good of our nation long-term.
  • SAUDI ARABIA: Truthfulness to be revealed about the recent global murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi AND for the leaders of our nation to know how to respond in this crucial and delicate global crisis
  • DISASTER RELIEF: Resources to be mobilized across our nation and world due to hurricanes and other natural disasters and crises.
  • NATIONAL SECURITY THREATS: Daily decision making by our leaders relating to national security issues facing America.
  • SUPREME COURT: The Lord and His Word would be honored via decisions on every level issued by the supreme court of the United States.
  • ECONOMIC CHALLENGES: In this season of prosperity and blessing upon our nation economically, continue to lead our leaders to decisions that help all persons in America.
  • HUMAN FLOURISHING: Raise up continually, the dignity and value of human life at every level of American life, where human flourishing occurs nationally and internationally.
  • MILITARY PROTECTION: Lord, protect the members of our military in our nation and defending our nation across the globe.
  • SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: God, bring spiritual awakening to our nation and may our leaders know that we need You involved in our nation now more than ever before.
ONCE AGAIN LORD, may our president, vice president, the president’s cabinet, and both houses of the United States Congress make decisions based upon godly wisdom pertaining to the major issues facing our nation in this season in American life.
3. Trust God to advance and open doors for the 2019 theme for the National Day of Prayer, LOVE ONE ANOTHER, to become known and embraced in the national conversation of American life.
“Love one another. Just as I have loved you.” John 13:34
  • LORD, as Dr. Ronnie Floyd reveals the 2019 theme for the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER ON THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2019, please raise it up across our country into the national conversation.
  • FATHER, forward this needed theme, implementing it into the 200 denominations and just under 400,000 churches across America. Let the body of Christ RISE UP IN LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER.
  • HOLY SPIRIT, empower all of Your people and even the LEADERS OF OUR NATION each time they forward the need for this into American life.
  • SOVEREIGN GOD, give Your favor to open doors for communicating this theme and open hearts to receive this convicting challenge in all relationships in our families, churches, businesses, schools, media, and governments regarding the dire need to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. 
Download the printable version of this month's prayer points here.

National Day of Prayer Task Force
PO Box 64225, Colorado Springs, CO 80962, United States 

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