Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Greg Laurie - Tuesday, October 2, 2018

What's Your Story?


So be careful how you live. Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise.

—Ephesians 5:15

Someone asked me the other day whether a Christian’s testimony is valid if they’ve never had any major problems in life. For example, if someone once had been a drug addict or served time in prison and then begins living for Christ, we think that is a great testimony. But then maybe someone else has been relatively moral. They tried to play by the rules. But they, too, discovered they needed God. They realized they needed a Savior and put their faith in Christ.

Both testimonies are valid. There are a lot of different kinds of people in the world. Not everyone relates to a criminal. Not everyone relates to a former drug addict. Some people might relate to someone who was moral and perhaps attended church.

In a nutshell, here’s your testimony as a Christian: You once were lost and now you’re found. You were blind but now you see. You once were headed to Hell; now you’re going to Heaven. That is your testimony, and it’s a good one. Use your testimony as a bridge to share your faith.

One of the greatest compliments that could be given to a Christian is when people say, “I’ve been watching you. I want to know why you are the way you are. I’ve noticed your joy. I’ve noticed your sense of purpose. I’ve noticed how hard you work. I’ve noticed how you’re such a nice person. You’re an honest person. Why are you this way?”

Here is the right answer: “It’s because of my faith in Jesus Christ.” Then share what God has done for you.

Every Christian has a testimony. Everyone has a story to tell. You have a testimony also, and people are watching you. Here’s the question: Do you have a bad testimony or a good one?

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Why every Christian's testimony is important.

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