Sunday, October 7, 2018


The Kavanaugh Episode produced a number of Paradoxes:

Republican, Susan Collins, accomplice to Abortion Murder, gives one of the most fervent, lawyerly speeches, defending the presumption of Innocence ever given.

Democrat, Alan Dershowitz, accomplice to Abortion Murder, defends the presumption of innocence, the Rule of Law and the Constitution.

President Trump, a known philanderer, defends women's rights and a righteous man.

The Democrat Party, the purported defender of women's rights, makes a spectacle of Christine Ford, unnecessarily.

The Democrat Party, that claims to be American, demonstrated how against America they are, making a mockery of the Rule of Law, the Constitution, and the presumption of Innocence.

Kavanaugh gains acceptance, to the so called Supreme Court, in the most Lawless, confirmation process ever.

The American Civil Liberties Union, made a mockery of the Rule of Law and Civil Rights and the Constitution, in standing against the presumption of Innocence.

The Supreme Court, supposedly the paragon of Law and the defender of the Constitution is the promulgator of Abortion Murder and Same-Sex Marriage, against God and His Word. And Kavanaugh, a Catholic, a righteous man, wants to be a part of this Evil entity.

The United States of America demonstrated how Ununited it is. And this Divided Nation cannot stand.

No Nation can be in Defiance of God Almighty and Stand. And the so called Supreme Court, stands in Defiance of God and His Word, as does the Democrat Party.

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