Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Kavanaugh and Bible prophecy
By Kari Lee Fournier
September 30, 2018

"My family and my name have been totally and permanently destroyed by vicious and false additional accusations," 
stated a visibly angry and shaken Judge Brett Kavanaugh at the recent U. S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

Not so fast, Judge Kavanaugh.... Many see this attack for what it is...your reputation is intact. 
This is simply part and parcel of things that are to happen according to Bible prophecy.

Yes, those who know and read Scripture prophecy understand exactly what is taking place at both this hearing and with other world events. 
Things are rapidly winding down on earth. Plain and simple.

And this effort at breaking down the Constitution and its associated justice system is about as transparent as it gets. 
Some liberals tell us that there is no need to follow the legal system, because Kavanaugh's confirmation is a job interview – not a criminal investigation.

What nonsense is this? 
We are to go off of the grid? 
We throw out the rule of law and go by new rules/norms if a case is not criminal? 
Of course not! 
Our legal system has served us well over these past 200-plus years because it is right and because it works. 
And it works so very well because both the Constitution and the tenets of our legal system were based upon Biblical principles set forth by the God of the Holy Bible.

Thus, all social interaction situations or conflicts should then follow suit, in line with this nation's current rule of law. 
It would be foolish to discard this system and invent a new one based upon human 'feelings' and 'whims.' 
Instead, it is wise to stick to the tried-and-true existing legal practice of looking at the corroborating evidence, of which there is none, and of maintaining innocence until proven guilty.

Of course, those same liberals also are concurrently calling for an FBI investigation, which is based upon the current rule of law. 
You see, sometimes our legal system is appealing and serviceable to them, and sometimes it is not.

In any case, as stated earlier, we know that this social unrest is all prophesied in the Bible – as well as the fact that the world will grow more and more evil.

Indeed, the Kavanaugh spectacle is simply the latest twist in the spiritual war between God and Satan that is referred to in Scripture. According to Ephesians 6:12: 
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hostsof wickedness in the heavenly places." 
And the Church of believers obviously fights on behalf of Christ

We also know innately that abortion is front and center in this particular battle of the spiritual war. Certain liberals feel that Kavanaugh represents a threat to Roe V Wade, a landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that established a woman's right to an abortion.

Those trying to maintain this ruling scourge anyone sticking up for the unborn baby, anyone encouraging the alternative of adoption. 
Never mind the fact that the science is established and clear, and it says that unborn 'babies' can definitely 'feel' pain after a period of 20 weeks gestation. 
Also ignored is the fact that other strong scientific evidence suggests an even earlier date than 20 weeks. 
Yes, this reliable data is waved away as a minor consequence of abortion.

Again, the Kavanaugh situation is simply a part of the latest of the world's 'birth pangs' talked about in Biblical references on end time events – and in this instance, the birth pang refers to the breakdown and unrest of society during the latter times.
According to the Bible, during the Church Age, there are seven types of Churches – two of which will be in existence when Jesus Christ returns: 
the Church of Philadelphia (which is weak outwardly, but strong in the mind of the Lord), and the Church of Laodicea (which is Holy lukewarm and revolting).

And here's where it gets interesting: 
'Laodicea' means 'Justice of the People.' 
Yes, we see that the present-day social justice movement was accurately prophesied a couple of millennia ago in the Bible.

Currently, we are being exposed to this social justice movement in every fabric of our society. 
It is causing antagonism wherever it spreads. 
Some even refer to the extreme discord as a 'modern-day Civil War.'

This movement also includes, among other things, political correctness – a calculating method of silencing both the truth and any type of civil debate. 
Another offshoot of this movement involves identity politics, where it is encouraged to identify with one's social group – which only increases the divide between segments of society.

Another cause for division can be attributed to the new 'white men are bad' ideology associated with the social justice movement. 
Of course, this assertion only raises tension between different ethnic groups – and even the genders. 
And let's not forget the war on police, which serves to escalate apprehension between wrongdoers and law officers – officers who in most cases are noble public servants willing to bravely lay down their lives for truth, justice, and liberty...the three basic components of American life.

Unfortunately, in the name of social justice, it's patently clear that evil forces on behalf of Satan are succeeding in causing both division and hatred and bitter anger between many social groups. 
Many times, there is even fighting between what used to be close family members.
Yes, the end times is surely unraveling right before our very eyes, exactly in line with Bible prophecy. 
And we also remember that although Jesus mentioned several events that would take place in the latter days, He focused upon thee sign that He said would happen – which Jesus made clear was the re-gathering of the nation of Israel.
This re-gathering took place on May 14, 1948, when Israel's Founder and first Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion stood up and declared the borders of Israel as belonging to the Israelites.

However, although Stateswoman Golda Meir, who later became Israel's fourth prime minister, at that time beseeched the nations of the world for their assistance on maintaining the integrity of Israel's declaration, we now see that this current social justice movement extends also to that nation of 'God's Chosen People.'

In fact, the United Nations has adopted a 'social justice for all nations' type of motto, and we see that Israel is not included in this contrived list for social justice. 
Most revoltingly, Israel is the only nation singled out and targeted as one that does not deserve justice and fairness.

And as we see the nations surrounding Israel all turning on this small, democratic country as foretold in the Bible, we wait for the end times to begin as prophesied. 
Scripture clearly tells us that the generation that sees the re-gathering of Israel (referred to in the Bible as 'the fig tree') will see the fulfillment of all Bible prophecy.

What are we believers in Christ, believers that Jesus was the Son of God who died for our sins and rose again...what are we to do as we see things winding down? 
Our job is to witness on the Gospel to all that we can, in every situation that we can.

Yes, the hour is late, but as we watch with concern on the Judge Kavanaugh situation, we know that Our Lord's justice will prevail in the end. 
And so we hang tight, faith and Bible in tow.

© Kari Lee Fournier
My  comments: Amen.

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