Thursday, October 25, 2018


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OCT 25, 2018

Is there a Biblical concept
of government?

Dear Friend,

There is no doubt today that our nation is adrift. 

We don’t know which way to head, because we have turned away from the Word of God and from the instructions upon which this great country was built.

By contrast, the Founders were imbued with a Biblical concept of government because the pulpits of New England thundered forth the great teachings of the Word of God concerning government. 

In contrast today, whole generations of Americans have grown up without the foggiest idea of what God has to say on the subject—and many even arrogantly affirm that He has no business saying anything at all about government.

Yet, God’s Word speaks clearly about our civic duty as believers. That is why the D. James Kennedy Topical Study Bible is such an invaluable resource. It addresses many of the issues facing our nation and applies Biblical truths to timely issues unlike any other Bible you’ve ever seen.

Featuring a wealth of wisdom from Dr. Kennedy’s nearly 50 years of ministry, the D. James Kennedy Topical Study Bible features over 700 articles from Dr. Kennedy. Topics include the Apostles’ Creed, Christian Living, Doctrines, Personalities of the Bible and more. There’s even an emphasis on God and government, with articles like:
  • “Does the Bible Teach Socialism?”
  • “Is Not Voting a Sin?”
  • “Religious Freedom—America’s Greatest Gift to the World”
  • “’Social Justice’ and the Redistribution of Wealth”
  • And many more.
Bound in genuine leather, the D. James Kennedy Topical Study Bible is our thank you for your generous donation to the on-going work of this ministry. It is truly a one-of-a-kind study Bible that would make an outstanding gift to be handed down from generation to generation. The Biblical perspective on many of the pressing moral issues of our day would be especially valuable for equipping high school and college students to speak into their sphere of influence.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our nation, and for your support of this ministry as we seek to bring the truth of the Gospel to bear on every sphere to life.

Frank Wright, Ph.D.
President and CEO
D. James Kennedy Ministries

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