Wednesday, October 31, 2018



Dear Friend,

Family Research Council (FRC) and Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) are once again doing our annual comprehensive update to our joint

Ever since we began examining Obamacare health plans in 2013, our goal has been to supply you with answers to a crucial question: “Which federally-supported health plans in the individual market do not cover elective abortion?”

We have documented how information on abortion coverage was difficult to obtain. Pro-life choices were rare in some states and non-existent in others. For 2018, we brought to light that six states and the District of Columbia only offered plans that covered elective abortion on their exchange to individuals and families.

Open Enrollment for 2019 will start November 1st. FRC and CLI are already examining documents for each health plan on the Obamacare exchanges, and we will be updating our resource website www.obamacareabortion.comwith those findings very soon.

If you intend to purchase a health plan through, please make use of the exhaustive research available on our online resource website to ensure that you do not unwittingly enroll in a plan that will require you to pay for a plan that contains elective abortion coverage.

Thank you for your continued support.
Family Research Council
801 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20001

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