Thursday, August 23, 2018


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Why you can’t trust leftists to be fair
Meet the real power and benefactor behind today's 'mainstream media'
By Joseph Farah

The danger posed to freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion in America by Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple, et al, cannot be overstated.

That’s because this “Speech Code Cartel” has more power to shape opinion in America than any other cabal you can imagine. 

As I’ve said, forget about what we call “the media.” The only reason the New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. have the audience domination they currently have is because of the gatekeepers – their distributors, their marketing arm, their cheerleaders, their standard-setters, the competition-restrainers. 

The “Speech Code Cartel” is the engine driving the media. It’s the horse, not the cart. In fact, when we use the term “media” any more, we really ought to be thinking of the “Speech Code Cartel” – the Google-Facebook trust—as the media locomotive.

It’s also worth remembering that they all think alike – the aforementioned favored media content producers and the “Speech Code Cartel.” 

They are as one. They all want to set the rules for discussion and debate in America together – and there is no significant disagreement between them.

So, when Twitter Chief Executive Officer Jack Dorsey recently acknowledged that his company’s bias is "left-leaning," it was quite an admission indeed.

It’s worth reviewing exactly what he said: 

"We need to constantly show that we are not adding our own bias, which I fully admit is ... is more left-leaning. 

But the real question behind the question is, are we doing something according to political ideology or viewpoints? 

And we are not. Period."

Do you trust that?

I don’t. 

I’ve worked in the news business all my life – about half in what we euphemistically call “the mainstream media,” and the last half in the alternative or independent media, as I call it.

 As a reporter, I never worked in a newspaper that wasn’t dominated by leftist bias. And I’ve never been covered by one that didn’t inject that bias into the story. 

There is no restraint on leftist bias in the media today, nor is there any restraint on leftist bias among their Overlords in the “Speech Code Cartel.”

Without restraint and without competition, leftist ideology will always dominate. 

And believe me, when people like Jack Dorsey admit their leftist bias, there is no restraint and no competition in sight.

How about CNN’s Chris Cuomo? 

Can we trust him to be fair and balanced?

I don’t think so. But the Google-Facebook cabal look at him like a middle-of-the-roader, mainstream, plain vanilla.

I think Cuomo is a “hater,” someone who encourages violence with his own version of “hate speech.”

Let me give you a recent example. 

He came to the defense of the Antifa brownshirts when they physically attacked reporters and police. 


He explained, “All punched are not equal,” because Antifa goons “fight hate.”
That’s what he said. 

And this is what we’re up against at WND and the rest of the independent, alternative media. 

It’s why we are all fighting for our professional lives, our very existence, our very survival in the battle to counter the lies and “fake news.”

You cannot trust leftists to be fair. 

And leftists control the media and the means of distribution. 

If left unchallenged, if not forced to play by the rules, they will reset the rules. 

And resetting the rules means the First Amendment is null and void for all intents and purposes.

Again, I say, thank God Donald Trump is speaking up. 

Thank God some members of Congress are catching on. 

Encourage it. 

Encourage hearings. Encourage them to fight for the Constitution. 

Encourage them to fight for our First Amendment – not just the words on the parchment, but the true meaning of the oaths of office they took to protect and defend it.

That’s one way we need to fight back. 

No power on Earth can take on the “Speech Code Cartel” but government. 

The problem is that big.

There’s another way we need to fight back. That is by supporting the voices of resistance within the media – namely us, the independent, alternative press.

I know you are sick and tired of my pitches for financial support. But as Ronald Reagan said, "Freedom is not free" – no matter how Google may lie to you. If the “Speech Code Cartel” wins, America loses.

Independent voices like WND are operating on borrowed time. Without immediate, direct financial support from people who recognize the unique service we provide in the ALT-NEWS category, we would be goners. 

We appreciate your rescue efforts as always. Here are two ways you can help:

1. Support WND, the original pioneer in independent news 21 years ago, all through August by helping us raise $100,000 as we battle the cartel for survival in our roughest month yet. We’re hunkered down and many are working without pay. I’ve subsidized WND with all the money I have and there is no more left. We thank you for getting us nearly 50 percent of the way to our total so far – but it’s not what we had hoped for with just 12 days remaining. Please pray for us and shower us with your most generous donations to keep us alive and fighting for truth.

Many of you have suggested you prefer to make your contributions by check. You can always do that by sending them to WND, 14501 George Carter Way, Suite 102, Chantilly, VA 20151.

2. You can also support WND’s groundbreaking new book, “The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament,” with your tax-deductible contributions in any amount to the fabulous missions organization, Gospel for All Nations, which has adopted the project to help spread the truth of the Good News around the world. This book, coming out in hardcover next month is an important part of WND’s recovery, rebirth and revitalization plan for later this year. Your help with book-printing and marketing expenses will help immensely to weather this storm – not to mention help us distribute this compelling and redemptive "breakthrough Bible book."

If you prefer to write tax-deductible checks for this purpose, you can do so by sending them to “Gospel Book,” Gospel for All Nations, 580 E Street – PO Box 100 — Hawthorne, NV 89415-0100.

Thank you and bless you for your support.
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