Sunday, August 26, 2018



Massive anti-Kavanaugh rallies are in the works for tomorrow. 

Unite for Justice partnered with and NARAL: Pro-Choice America, "to demand that the U.S. Senate stop Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination for a lifelong appointment to the Supreme Court." according to their website.  They have determined that Judge Kavanaugh "has extremist, ultra-conservative legal views on a range of issues... Kavanaugh would rule against reproductive freedom, health care, the environment, voting rights, workers' rights, LGBTQ rights, and immigrant rights for generations."

Reading between their lines: The so-called "progressives" desperately want a Left-leaning Supreme Court deciding from a pliable, "living" Constitution used to advance their radical ideology. Rick Moran explained the basis for their battle inAmericanThinkercom...

"What is really at risk for the Left – and what really scares leftists – is that the Supreme Court will no longer act as an unelected legislature, creating precedents and law divorced from the original intent of the Constitution. Liberals find our founding document most inconvenient." 

It is the right of the people, not judges, to amend the Constitution and the laws!

The Left is demonizing a well-vetted, mainstream Judge who has repeatedly stated that his judicial philosophy is simple – "judges are confined to interpreting and applying the Constitution and laws as they are written and not as we might wish they were written…." It is the right of the people, not judges, to amend the Constitution and the laws. Judge Kavanaugh is the kind of judge we need on the High Court.

Thats why I strongly endorse the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court.

In a little over a week, September 4, Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation process is scheduled to begin in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Undoubtedly, liberal news teams will be entrenched within the leftest rallies. Right now, I'm concerned that the loudest voices being heard on Capitol Hill are the anti-Kavanaugh voices.

+ + CRITICAL ACTION TODAY -- Sign our petition!

If you agree that Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed as soon as possible, please go here to sign our "Confirm Judge Kavanaugh Now" petition WITH ONE CLICK that will be delivered to key members of the Senate as soon as we have 25,000 signers.


Thank you for taking action with us!

God bless you,

Mat Staver, President
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. The Left's assertions have reached a new level of absurdity when it comes to their perceived "devastating consequences" should Judge Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed by the Senate to serve on the Supreme Court. Their over-the-top attacks are all the more reason why we must fight to get Judge Kavanaugh confirmed!

The first, vital step is to add your name to our CONFIRM KAVANAUGH NOW petition that will be delivered to Senate Judiciary Committee leaders prior to the start of the confirmation process.  

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