Sunday, August 26, 2018


Image result for photos of london homes building barricades

Lawless London: Worried residents building BARRICADES around their homes

HOMEOWNERS in London are building massive barriers around their homes ahead of the Notting Hill Carnival tomorrow.
Shocking pictures show large wooden barricades have been put up around property in the posh West London neighbourhood.
The famous annual carnival celebrating British African-Caribbean will see hundreds of thousands of people flock to the area to enjoy the colourful parade and street food.
But the event has been marred with violence in the past, with multiple stabbings and violent attacks occurring previously.
And this year, cops are reportedly taking no chances with thousands of officers set to monitor revellers.
Pictures of revellers at this year's carnival are already going viral on social media.
Police will also be carrying water bottles and acid detecting kits amid fears of a repeat of last year when multiple people were sprayed with a corrosive liquid.
Residents and shop-owners are not taking any chances, with one company saying staff are working 15-hour days to keep up with demand for plywood barriers.
David McClure, a worker at company AES, told MailOnline: “We started on Thursday, we have to do today (Saturday) and we have about 160 shops to board up.
“But that's just our company – there are others doing the exact same.
“We're working 14 or 15 hours per day putting them up and taking them down. It used to be only 60 or 70 shops.
“It's disgusting when you come to take it down but the council do clean it up pretty quick.
“They use these as urinals, it's disgusting the stuff they leave around.”
My comments: Britain is now a DEGENERATE Culture having abandoned God and His Word and embraced Islam.
Notting Hill GETTY
MAYHEM: It is feared there could be acid attacks at this year's festival
Notting Hill carnival

Notting Hill Carnival: Attendees enjoy wild paint party

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