Thursday, August 23, 2018


Instruments of Peace
Jennifer Woodley

‘Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!’ And if anyone is there who shares in peace, your peace will rest on that person’ Luke 10:5 (NRSV)

Some believers emanate a calm, non-anxious presence. We love being in their company because their peaceful presence settles us. It reminds us that all is well, God is good and life with Him can be joyous and fruitful. Jesus sent out 70 followers to be messengers of God’s peace. Disciples whose lives were so full of God’s presence that they radiated peace.

What the world needs now are more laborers who carry in their hearts the peace that comes from knowing our Heavenly Father intimately. Peace that is not rocked by the calamities around us. Peace that knows God is bigger and greater than anything that presents in our lives. 

This is the peace that goes beyond all human understanding. A divine peace. The person who is an instrument of this peace knows that with God in their lives all is well and all manner of things will be well.

This is the peace that Jesus gave to his disciples that will replace our troubled spirits. When we exercise our dependence on His peace, our troubles may not disappear, but our anxious spirit will. This is a gift that we all need.

Do we even know such divine peace? What hinders us from having and offering that calm, non-anxious spirit to others? Jesus is our source of peace. Let’s seek Jesus, seek to live closer to Him and seek His peace. 

Blessed are those who carry His peace, for they are His beloved children.

Jennifer lives near Toowoomba, Queensland with her family. She enjoys encouraging others on their Christian journey through writing and mentoring. Contact

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