Thursday, June 28, 2018


According to a new Gallup survey, 43 percent of Americans now consider pornography to be "morally acceptable", a seven percent spike from last year and the highest level since Gallup's Values and Beliefs survey began in 2011.The 2018 survey confirmed that the shifting perceptions of porn also affects the church. 

For those who claim that "religion is very important" to them, 22 percent said pornography is morally acceptable, a 6-point rise over 2017. Of respondents saying that "religion is fairly important", there was an 8 percent increase (from 42 to 50).

Porn Is Not Only A Moral Problem But A Brain Problem

Dr. Lawrence Tucker is a Psychiatrist, a diplomat of the American Board of Addiction Medicine and is featured in the Conquer Series. The Conquer Series is a powerful DVD series that has helped hundreds of thousands of men find freedom from pornograpy. In the Conquer Series, Dr. Tucker shows how brain scans of a porn addict and a cocaine addict reveal significant areas of deactivation when compared to a normal brain. As America's attitudes to pornography change, the brains of our Nation are being shut down.
Brain on porn1

Healing must start from within the church

With 68% of men in the church viewing porn on a regular basis, it is hard for the church to take the moral high ground.
Thankfully there is a movement of over 500,000 men who are breaking free from pornography through a powerful cinematic DVD series called the Conquer Series.
The Conquer Series is a six-disc cinematic DVD series for men, which uses war analogies to help men understand the battle they're facing.

My comments: So, Tragically, the Church is going to Hell with the Culture.

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