Friday, June 1, 2018


Planned Parenthood's War on (Underage) Women

Apparently, Planned Parenthood is so desperate for business that they'll cover up statutory rape to get it. 
A new Live Action report exposes another side of the group's grisly pattern -- not only ignoring sexual abuse, but exploiting it to get more customers.
Aiding Abusers: Planned Parenthood's Cover-up of Child Sexual Abuse details decades of the organization's neglect and opportunism in dealing with victims -- including pre-teens. Despite Planned Parenthood's public rhetoric as well as laws requiring it to report suspected abuse, its failure to report has been deliberate and widespread, said Live Action President Lila Rose. 
Time and again, rather than reporting abuse to authorities, Planned Parenthood has repeatedly looked the other way and performed abortions on victims as young as 12 years old. These girls deserved advocacy but instead Planned Parenthood staff ignored their abuse and returned them to the waiting arms of their abusers.
The timing of the document, which helps build the president's case for defunding the group, couldn't be better. Planned Parenthood is required by law to report cases of sexual assault -- and that, along with the FBI's criminal investigation into baby organ trafficking -- ought to build a case that Congress can no longer ignore.
At most clinics, Lila explains, there's a don't ask, don't tell policy on the sexual abuse of children. 
Planned Parenthood has proven that its priority is selling abortions, not caring for the most vulnerable of girls, Lila argues. Planned Parenthood's culture of cover-up must end, the cycle of abuse of innocent children must end, and Planned Parenthood's half a billion dollars in annual federal funding must end. Taxpayers cannot be forced to subsidize these abuses of children.
Several years ago, when Live Action exposed Planned Parenthood for covering up statutory rape in eight separate clinics, liberals said it was an anomaly. Then, there were the seven tapes of Planned Parenthood aiding sex traffickers and enabling pimps. Abortion activists insisted they were isolated incidents. 
But when David Daleiden blew the lid off of the group's black market of baby body parts, suddenly people started seeing Planned Parenthood for the greedy opportunists they are. Because of flagrant violations like these, the proposed Title X rule tightening on reporting abuse is absolutely necessary, Lila points out. So is defunding the group altogether. 
Let's hope Live Action's testimonies and FRC's analysis, The Real Planned Parenthood: Leading the Culture of Death, shows Americans where Planned Parenthood's real priorities lie.

Tony Perkins' Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.

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