Friday, June 1, 2018


Mat Staver
Liberty Counsel
Re: LGBT radicals attack pastors and faith leaders.


Liberty Counsel's legal team has filed an objection to a staggering subpoena from Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund (Lambda Legal) on behalf of Dr. Ronnie Floyd, senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Springdale and The Church at Pinnacle Hills, and Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council (FRC), in the case of Karnoski v. Trump. 

Floyd and Perkins have been targeted by these activists for simply participating in President Trump's Evangelical Executive Advisory Board, which the president established to understand the concerns of Christians and receive counseling on a wide range of issues. 

The subpoena seeks information from Floyd and Perkins that violates the First Amendment, the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and civil procedure rules.

As you may know, Liberty Counsel is also being targeted by these same aggressive LGBT groups. It's an orchestrated attempt to harass us and bury us in paperwork th
Subpoenarough two overreaching subpoenas that make unreasonable and unconstitutional demands of our records and interactions with government officials.

These LGBT cases are retaliation for President Trump's "transgender" military policy, but none of us are related to the lawsuits.

The LGBT siege began with nonprofit groups and now they are targeting individual pastors and faith leaders. These abusive tactics are far outside their legal authority. This subpoena is outrageous because it even requests "conversations" on any topic related to LGBT issues. There is no legal basis for such a breathtakingly broad subpoena.
We will not be bullied or intimidated. 

I must immediately dedicate additional strategic legal resources to these fights. To be fully equipped to respond to this new level of attacks against Liberty Counsel and people of faith, I need to raise $10,000 now! 

donate here

This is arguably the most aggressive and systematic attack by radical groups that we have seen in the history of Liberty CounselIn more than 30 years of practicing law, I have never seen subpoenas as overreaching as these. This unbelievable invasion of privacy must be exposed and turned back!

Once again, I'm turning to dear friends like you. Without your prayers and faithful support, we can't fight back at full strength against these efforts to silence the voice of Liberty Counsel and the voices of every pro-faith, pro-family citizen in our nation.Click here to give your best gift! 

Thank you in advance, and may God bless you!

Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. If the Lord has blessed you financially and you can donate $500, $1,000, or more, this would be a perfect time because we have never faced such a systematic, coordinated attack from radical groups. Of course, every gift will help us fight back. Please go here to make your gift by check or credit card:

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 . 407-875-1776

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