Thursday, May 31, 2018


We learn from Scripture
That there are only Two Religions in the World,
The Religion of Satan and the Religion of Christ Jesus.

How can this be true?

Because in the End, everyone worships one or the other.
Those of every Religion but Faith in Christ Jesus,
Worship Satan, and his son,
The Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist.
(Revelation 13)

Those who claim to have no Religion,
The Agnostics, the Atheists will worship Satan.
The Whole World worships Satan and his son,
The Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist;
All but those whose names are written
In the lamb's Book of LIFE.

In the West and America,
There is the Religion
Of godless, Socialist, Secular Humanism,
And in the End,
All these people will worship Satan and his son.

The Apostate 'Christian Church' will worship Satan and his son.

This is because everyone serves either Christ Jesus or Satan.
There is no other choice.

The apostle John tell us the following:

We know that we are the Children of God,
And that the Whole World
Is under the Control of the Evil One.
(1 John 5:19)

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