Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Decision America California Tour Spreads Real News -- the Good News

"The church just has to be wakened," 
the Rev. Franklin Graham told the New York Times shortly after concluding the first of 10 stops in his "Decision America California Tour" -- evangelistic prayer events that are drawing thousands across the Golden state with many making the decision for Christ. 
"People say, what goes in California is the way the rest of the nation is going to go. So, if we want to see changes, it is going to have to be done here." We heard the same urgency from California pastors attending last week's 15th annual Watchmen on the Wall pastors briefing
Like Franklin, these pastors know that California's hope -- indeed America's hope -- is only found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Vice President Pence delivered this message in his address to Watchmen pastors on Friday: "Keep preaching the good news," urged Pence. "Keep preaching in season and out of season as the Bible says. Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have."
The media is often quick to point out that Franklin preaches the gospel while also speaking to the cultural issues of our day. It's because he understands and exemplifies our call as followers of Christ to be both salt and light -- and to point the way to the cross and preserve the path to it.
In contrast, militant secularists want to contain the gospel message within the four walls of a church -- 
but Franklin, like his father, won't be contained. At FRC, our admiration of Franklin has only grown over the past years, when the cultural winds have blown the strongest. He still stands, uncompromisingly. It's this kind of faithfulness that makes FRC proud to co-labor with him. 
Through June 5th, the Decision America California tour will hold open air events held in amphitheaters and fairground parks. Tonight the tour makes a stop in Modesto, then to Santa Clara, Berkeley and Chico, ending in Redding on June 5. Check out the website for more and help spread the good news about what God is doing in California and across America.

Tony Perkins' Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.

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