Tuesday, May 29, 2018


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MAY 29, 2018

President Trump and North Korea’s Christians
Dear Friend,  
Did you know that North Korea is the most dangerous country for followers of Jesus? 

According to Open Doors’ “World Watch List,” North Korea has been at the head of the list for seventeen consecutive years! 

This should help invigorate our prayers that President Trump’s negotiations with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un will make inroads into this closed nation. Who knows but that God will use our prayers and these negotiations to help alleviate some of the suffering of our Christian brothers and sisters? We can certainly pray toward that end.

Sadly, North Korea is one of sixty countries where more than 215 million Christians live under conditions of extreme persecution simply because of their faith in Jesus Christ. What is truly egregious is that our tax dollars—in the form of U.S. aid—help fund many of these nations who are committing the most unimaginable atrocities against fellow believers. To simply throw our hands up in disgust is not an option.

I know you care and I know you want to take action. That is why we have created a petition that enables you to join your voice with the voices of thousands of fellow believers. 

We are specifically appealing to leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives, demanding that they DEFUND nations that persecute our Christian brothers and sisters. This is our opportunity to follow the admonition of Scripture to:

“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also” (Hebrews 13:3).

Please request your petition on behalf of the persecuted church. Sign it and return it right away. We will send it along with thousands of others to our Congressional leaders urging them to take action.

May God bless you for speaking out on behalf of our Christian brothers and sisters.

Frank Wright, Ph.D.
President and CEO
D. James Kennedy Ministries

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