Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Judicial Watch: New Emails Show Clinton's 'Utter Contempt’ For The Law -- Where is Jeff Sessions' DOJ?

Commenting on new emails obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) -- classified communications that Hillary Clinton tried to delete from her private server but which the FBI eventually recovered --
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the records show Clinton's "utter contempt for the rule of law," and reveal the overlapping conflicts among the "Clinton Foundation, the Clinton State Department, and the Clinton family business." 
Fitton also stressed there is "in your face evidence" of Clinton's "criminality" but it looks like the Justice Department headed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions is looking the other way.
On the April 26 edition of Lou Dobbs Tonight,  guest host Trish Regan said to Fitton, "So, let's get to Clinton here because you guys have been digging and digging and digging and you now have a whole bunch of e-mails dated from 2010 through 2013. Classified stuff that Clinton was e-mailing from her unsecured server. Give us some highlights. What are you finding here in this? Is there a theme at all, run us through what you've seen."
Fitton said, "Well, the theme is Hillary Clinton's utter contempt for the rule of law and then handling of classified information. 
She's communicating with the former prime minister Great Britain Tony Blair about sensitive issues in the Middle East related to Israeli peace and things like that. We don't know exactly [what] because they were blacked out [redacted by FBI]."
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  (YouTube)

"And these emails were withheld from the American people," said Fitton.  "She tried to delete them or otherwise hid them. And the FBI allegedly went and found them."
"So, when Hillary Clinton didn't turn over records to the government, those records included these classified records and we're getting these out about once every month or so," he said, in reference to Judicial Watch's FOIA lawsuits against the Justice Department and FBI.
"There are thousands of more coming and the records also show that there was little daylight between the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton State Department and the Clinton family business," 
he said.  "Meaning Hillary and Bill's speaking engagements, working hand-in-glove,  and it was not what she promised and arguably violated them."
Former FBI Director James Comey.  (YouTube)

Trish Regan then remarked, "Look, I've been to some of the Clinton Global Initiatives and I always get a kick out of how many sort of rather dubious billionaires, shall we say, from around the world are gathered there. But they're given this instant stamp of credibility because as soon as, you know, Bill Clinton's got his arm around you because you're given however much in a donation. You're suddenly legit."
"I think that we have just started to scratch the surface," said Regan.
"Lots of questions there for sure.... 
"[I]n this case when you're head of the State Department, your husband shouldn't be taking $250,000 or $500,000 speeches from countries that are considered our enemies anyway."
Fitton replied, "But just quickly. 
They're investigating Donald Trump over nothing. 
Here you got you this in your face evidence of the criminality by Hillary Clinton. Where is the DOJ?
[Ex-FBI Director] James Comey said she didn't do anything wrong. Does this Justice Department agree with him on that? It's an interesting question."
Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, was the Secretary of State in the Obama administration from January 2009 to February 1, 2013.


My comments: If there are not Indictments by the Sessions DOJ, it will mean that there is Corruption there also. It makes one wonder what the LEFT has on Sessions? It may mean that the Entire Government is Corrupt. 

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