Saturday, April 21, 2018


Faith & Freedom Coalition


A theology professor at the College of the Holy Cross thinks Jesus Christ was a gay, cross-dressing woman.

You can’t make this stuff up: how the far-left will twist any facts, even about the life of Jesus, to shoehorn in their radical, gender-bending, politically-correct narrative.

  • Professor Benny Liew, a New Testament studies professor at Holy Cross, started a firestorm when he wrote that there was “something quintessentially queer” about Jesus’s relationship with God the Father.

  • Liew also sexualized Jesus washing his disciples feet, calling it “suggestive, even seductive.”

  • And he cited completely innocuous moments in the gospel as, apparently, coded references “to Jesus’ gender indeterminacy and hence his cross-dressing and other queer desires.”

  • Liew’s twisting apart of the Christian faith to satisfy a leftwing narrative is more than troubling--it’s downright sickening.
But even more outrageously?

The College of the Holy Cross gave Liew a complete pass for his views, claiming that, “No one has made a complaint about the content of Professor Liew’s classes in his four years at Holy Cross.”

As if the lack of student complaints somehow nullifies the fact that their New Testament studies professor has made a career of peddling falsehoods about the life of Jesus Christ.

Social media was, as you can imagine, as horrified as you and I were.

Even Holy Cross’s local Catholic Bishop, Rev. Robert McManus of Worcester, Mass., took a rare public stance against Liew and the university, calling the professor’s conclusions “false and perverse.”

In the local newspaper, McManus added: “I am deeply troubled and concerned to hear that someone who holds an endowed chair in New Testament studies at the College of the Holy Cross has authored such highly offensive and blasphemous notions. Such positions have no place in the biblical scholarship of a professor who teaches at a Catholic college and who, as such, should be supportive of the college’s Catholic identity and mission."

SUSAN, more and more these days, the Christian faith is under attack from all directions.

The far-left is attempting to do all they can to diminish our religion, attack our values, and pervert the basic teachings of our faith.

Faith & Freedom Coalition is fighting back with one message: that Christians are not going anywhere without a fight. That we’re ready to go to the mat to defend our values, our principles, and our right to religion.

Faith & Freedom is mobilizing millons of Christian and conservative voters all across the nation in advance of the 2018 election--our best chance to continue to hold the line against anti-Christian hate.

But, I’ll be blunt: we can’t win in November without your help now. Are you in?

Help Faith & Freedom continue to defend our values by pitching in just $23 now.



P.S. Faith & Freedom is doing all we can to fight back against the far-left. But we can’t hold the line against anti-Christian bigotry without your help.

Are you in? Pitch in just $23 to Faith & Freedom, right away.

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