Friday, April 27, 2018


Invisible… In Plain Sight 
Rebecca Fussell

Job 12:3 “… I am not inferior” (ESV)

Invisible. That’s how I felt. It was like someone had muted my voice. I heard myself loud and clear, but no one in the room noticed. I left the gathering wondering why I was taking up space on the planet. 

Then I read Job 12. In this story, Job is fed up with his “friends” accusatory advice and says, 

“No doubt you are the people and wisdom will die with you!” Haha! Good one, Job. He continues and declares, 

“I am not inferior!" I can almost hear it echo into 2018. My heart quickened and I realized that I could say the same. Granted, this talented group ran circles around my meager accomplishments. I’ll never be as clever or driven as they are, but that doesn’t make me inferior. They didn’t do anything to acquire their natural tendencies. Neither did I do anything to gain a deep thinking spirit and wit that thinks of something to say an hour after the fact! 

God created us all equal, just different. Whew… God's validation comforted me. 

But the minute relief flooded my heart, conviction rushed in behind it. I’m not inferior, but neither am I superior. Yikes… I hate to admit it, but at times I’ve placed myself in a rank above others. Despicable I know. I’ve asked God to forgive me and convict me anytime I head down that path. 

So… anyone feeling invisible or disregarded? Perhaps you’re feeling a tad better than your neighbor. Both are off. There is a better way. Let’s chuck the rating system and remember we’re created in His image, every last one of us. 

One thing’s for sure, “In Heaven, no one walks with a limp, and no one walks with a strut.” Let’s start today!

Rebecca lives in Northeast Florida and enjoys sharing God’s truth through writing, teaching, acting or any other creative way! Contact

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