Tuesday, April 24, 2018


How Then Shall We Wait?
Karen Pourbabaee

“Be dressed in readiness and keep your lamps alight.” Luke 12:35 NAS

I awoke suddenly one night, my eyes fixed on the lamp lit on my desk, a light that had been off when I drifted off to sleep. The Lord has a way of getting His message across. My Bible study group was deep in the middle of Revelation, with its message to be ready for the Lord’s coming like a thief in the night. (Rev. 16:15) 

Jesus calls His disciples to wait, making preparations for His return. Not just biding our time, but waiting in readiness. Blessedness is promised if the Master finds us alert when He returns. (Luke 12:37)

Jesus teaches the elements involved in waiting for His return in Luke 12 and 1 Thessalonians 5: Keep your lamps lit. Wear the breastplate of faith and love. Don the helmet of hope. 

Servants in Biblical times were to listen for their master’s return, lighting their lamps to illuminate his path home, to be part of his return. Psalm 119:105 declares, “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet. And a light to my path.” We are to keep His Word near to light paths of all kinds, including the path of His return.

We are to be awake and armed. 

The suggested apparel defends our two vital parts, head and heart, from Satan’s fiery darts. 

The helmet of hope guards our minds against error and distress, and it sustains our courage amidst trials. That hope gives us joyful expectation that God will keep His promises and under His watchful care. 

The breastplate of faith and love protects our hearts from injury and sin. It’s constructed of our trust in God’s presence and goodness, faith in Christ, and love for God and man.

“You, too, be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Luke 12:40) 

May the Lord find me awake and armed when He returns. Amen.

Contact Karen and read more of her articles HERE

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