Wednesday, April 25, 2018




Exclusive: Joseph Farah sees 'monopolistic crisis point' threatening free speech

You don’t think it makes a difference when the Southern Poverty Law Center is the group you hire to police content for your media business?
It does. It really, really does.
How does this translate into action by Google?
Take the extraordinary case of Concordia Publishing House, the book arm of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod denomination, in business since 1869. 
About 120 years later, some young cyberpunks founded Google with the slogan “Don’t Be Evil.” But evil and arrogant it has become, with no respect for the opinions of others.
Recently, Google pulled all advertising from the website of Concordia. 
Why? In the words of Google, Concordia would have to remove objectionable content like a promotion for its vacation Bible school, its own Christian content. 
So what, you say? Doesn’t Google have the right to decide where it advertises and where it doesn’t?
Yes, I would say, as long as that standard is not merely contempt for the spiritual and ideological viewpoints of others. 
And not when your company is so dominant and so intolerant of the responsible views of others that the very kind of speech the First Amendment was written to protect is deliberately and systematically squelched.
With Google and its ideologically “progressive” twin Facebook controlling 75 percent of the digital advertising market – and growing fast – it spells, in the not-so-distant future, the beginning of the end of free speech in America.
Do I exaggerate? How much of the advertising market would Google-Facebook have to control before you would say we’re reaching the monopolistic crisis point?
I don’t think most people outside the internet business understand what Google and Facebook represent. 
Google is not just the most dominant search engine in the U.S. It does not just have dominant control of advertising on the internet. It also owns the top ad-serving system in the world. 
It owns the No. 1 television network in the world, YouTube. And it has more information about you than does the National Security Agency.
That’s a dangerous combination right there.
When you add Facebook to the equation, which has a corporate ethos and worldview almost identical to Google, you’re looking at a media cartel that is threatening to any online entity with a different ethos and worldview.
I speak from personal experience here. Google is starving WND, the original independent online news-gathering enterprise, and driving traffic away from WND, too. 
Google and Facebook are doing the same to other independent news and opinion sites – all of them, I would say.
How many examples do we need to see before we recognize how dangerous this trend is? 
How long before members of Congress start holding hearings about the way free speech in America is threatened by this cartel?
Google sees a small but respected evangelical book-publishing company as dangerous. 
Facebook sees the commentary duo of Diamond and Silk as dangerous. 
YouTube sees Jewish conservative Dennis Prager’s online education site, “Prager University,” as dangerous.
Inside the corporate culture of Google, it is simply unacceptable to think differently than Big Brother. 
Take the case of James Damore, one of its engineers who had the audacity to challenge Google groupthink. He was fired for doing so and, along with a colleague, is currently suing Google for wrongful termination. Damore claims that Google managers created “blacklists” of conservative employees like himself.
How much bigger will Congress and the president, the sworn guardians of the First Amendment and the rest of the Constitution, allow Google-Facebook to get? 
The internet should be the biggest forum of freedom of speech in the world, no?
It can’t be with the dominance of this cartel.

My comments: Google, a LEFTIST organization, is the Greatest THREAT to the U.S. Republic that we face. It MUST be Neutralized, or it will determine all Future Elections by manipulating Searches. Google, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter are all LEFTIST organizations and will use Any Means to Promote their LEFTIST cause. They MUST be Stopped.

WND is facing an existential threat right now because of the impact of this digital advertising cartel on its 21-year-old business, one that predates both Google and Facebook. If you would like to help WND survive, please help us with your direct, voluntary financial support.

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