Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Greg Laurie - Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A True Mark of Conversion


Rahab the prostitute is another example. She was shown to be right with God by her actions when she hid those messengers and sent them safely away by a different road.

—James 2:25

Rahab had everything going against her—including her name, which was associated with an Egyptian deity. Rahab was an immoral woman, a prostitute. But she was the perfect candidate for the grace of God.

The gospel is for everyone, everywhere. There are no exceptions. No one is beyond the reach of God. During His earthly ministry, Jesus seemed to go out of His way to reach people like this. We see it in John 4 as He met the woman at the well while she drew water in the heat of the day because her village ostracized her. She had been married and divorced five times and was living with a man. Yet Jesus reached out to her, and she believed.

When spies from Israel came to check out the city of Jericho, Rahab hid them on her roof because she believed in the Lord their God. She told them, “For the Lord your God is the supreme God of the heavens above and the earth below” (Joshua 2:11 NLT). The Bible says that “faith is dead without good works” (James 2:26 NLT). Rahab showed evidence of her faith by her actions.

Another indication that Rahab was a real believer was the fact that she cared about her family. She believed judgment was coming. She told the spies, “Now swear to me by the Lord that you will be kind to me and my family since I have helped you. Give me some guarantee that when Jericho is conquered, you will let me live, along with my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, and all their families” (Joshua 2:12–13 NLT).

A true mark of conversion is when you want to reach your family with the gospel. Have you reached your family? Does your family know that you believe?

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Does your family know you're a believer? Here's why it's important.

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