Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Europe Told To Prepare For Another Wave of Refugees

The United Nations has set Europe on notice and told powers-who-be to prepare for yet another wave of refugees — or mostly Muslim refugees, to be specific.
Call it the total collapse of European culture and society.
Europe, already reeling from the effects of massive migration, is now poised to take in thousands of more refugees from mostly Muslim countries.
World Food Programme executive director David Beasley said in a recent interview with the Associated Press that ISIS is currently moving from the Middle East to North Africa.
And that means those in the countries’ crosshairs have to prepare for a population fall-out.
The risks of terror attacks have just jumped in Europe, it seems.
Europe should prepare for another wave of refugees, a United Nations official claimed Monday.
It is possible Europe might receive a second wave of refugees due to Islamic State militants moving from the Middle East to North Africa, United Nations World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley said in an interview with The Associated Press. Islamic State fundamentalists are now coordinating with other terrorist groups, such as al-Qaida, al-Shabab and Boko Haram to wreck havoc on the Sahel, a region located in north-central and western Africa, Beasley claimed.
“What they’re now doing is coming into an already fragile area, a very destabilized area because of climate impact and governance, and they’re infiltrating, recruiting, using food as a weapon of recruitment to destabilize so that they can have mass migration into Europe,” he added. Providing ample food might create more security and stability in the region as well as offset another mass exodus of refugees to Europe, Beasley asserted.
“Mother after mother will tell you that ‘My husband did not want to join ISIS or al-Qaida, but we had no food,’ and if you haven’t fed your little girl or little boy in two weeks and the alternative is signing up with ISIS, you sign up,” Beasley said. The Sahel region is known to have frequent food shortages.
Eight-hundred-fifteen people go to sleep hungry every night, according to the World Food Programme’s website.
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