Thursday, February 22, 2018


Swedish Security Service: Number of jihadis has gone from hundreds to thousands in just a few years

“The number of people in so-called extremist environments is growing, and the figure has gone from hundreds to thousands in just a few years, according to Säpo.”
Why is that? Because of the immigration policies that the Swedish government is pursuing indefatigably, even at the expense of the safety and security of Swedish citizens. Will those policies be scrapped, or even reexamined? Of course not. That would be “Islamophobic.”
“Säpo: The threat to Sweden greater than in many years,” translated from “Säpo: Hotet mot Sverige större än på många år,” Fria Tider, February 22, 2018 (thanks to Denny):
Domestic. The threat to Sweden is greater today than it has been for many years. So writes former Säpo chief Anders Thornberg in the preamble to the Security Policy Yearbook.The biggest threat comes from violent Islamists.
According to the Swedish Security Service, the security situation in Sweden has deteriorated and the threats to the country are now greater than they have been for many years.
This is stated in the Security Policy Yearbook, released today.
“Today we have a new normality to relate to, which we share with the rest of Europe. It is a development that is worrying,” says deputy security police Charlotte von Essen in a press release.
The number of people in so-called extremist environments is growing, and the figure has gone from hundreds to thousands in just a few years, according to Säpo.
Every other day, authorities now handle tasks in which a person is identified who expressed “attack threats” against Sweden.
“At present, the threat is greatest from the violent Islamist extremists,” Säpo writes, pointing out that there are about 2,000 people who adhere to violent Islamist extremism.
“The analysis shows that the most likely attack threat in Sweden in 2018 is still from people with a violent Islamic ideology who act alone,” he continues….

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