Saturday, February 24, 2018


It’s Time to Say Yes
Emmanuella Ellis

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, …John 3:16 NASB

What do women do when a guy refuses to stop pursuing them? Unfortunately, sometimes it comes down to being harsh and avoiding them. Well, that was my “go to” plan during my busy undergrad days. I watched as guys gave up on pursuing me, but not Ken, Mr. Persistence.

For years I had watched friends make a big deal about receiving gifts from their loved ones for Valentines. I couldn’t wait for the day when I would receive a present, particularly a huge soft teddy bear from the one I loved. 

Then I received my first and only teddy bear from Ken, the one I had rejected the most. While many show their love to others who love them back, he showed me his love even though I had rejected him repeatedly. 

Still bent on getting rid of Ken, I struggled for several minutes on doing so when I realized that he had gone the extra mile to give me my most desired present. In the end with a softened heart, I had found an awesome friendship in Ken that I could have easily lost.

This situation reminds me of how Jesus pursues and shows love to us even when we ignore and reject Him. For different reasons we resist Him, while all the while He is ready and willing to grant us eternal life, the most desired present we do not even deserve. 

Thankfully, Jesus is even more persistent than Ken and keeps pursuing the lost until their last breath. 

But His persistence will only last in this lifetime. Isn’t it time to stop ignoring the Lord’s call and offer of eternal life before it’s too late?

Emmanuella has the desire to reach out to others using the understanding gained through the scriptures as a tool. Contact

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