Monday, February 19, 2018


If There is No Root, there is No Fruit 
Harriett Ford

The Lord impressed on my heart how the parable of the sower is foundational. Jesus said if I don’t understand it, how can I understand how the kingdom works. (Mark 4: 13). 

I know the seed is the word. If I don’t have the word rooted and grounded deeply in the good soil of my heart, I cannot bear fruit.

Deuteronomy 8: 2 speaks of the Lord testing to see what is in the heart of His people. 
Then I saw it. I must be able to say, “It is written . . .” in order to resist the fowls of the air who come to steal the seed. Faith says what God says. I can say the victory verses when the enemy tells me I’m defeated.

I cannot simply memorize scripture and repeat it every once in a while. 

It has to take root. Deep root. 

Deuteronomy 22:9–11 reads, “Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard; if you do, not only the crops you plant but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled. 

What does that mean Lord? 

Oh I get it. The enemy sows his seeds of doubt. 

He lies, gets us to question the Word, “Has God said?” and steals the seeds that are not deeply rooted. Words of doubt can steal the seed and destroy the harvest. 

But Lord, Your word is incorruptible seed. 

That’s right. It is unchanging, settled forever in heaven, and I watch over My word to perform it. 

Get it deeply rooted, nourished, pull the weeds of doubt, and the harvest will come. And the more seed you plant, the greater the harvest.

Harriett Ford is the author of faith-based books. 
Find more of her articles and contact information HERE.

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