Tuesday, February 20, 2018


How to Respond to the LGBT Movement -- with the Truth

There's no question that the LGBT ("lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender") movement has expanded its influence on American culture and law over the last several decades. 
In large part, they've done so on the basis of certain claims that too often go unchallenged in the media and the courts -- 
such as the claim that people are "born gay," or that surgery can change someone's sex. 
Have you ever wished you could understand the truth about these claims -- without having to read through reams of scholarly literature? If so, then FRC's newest pamphlet may be the ideal resource to help you. 
How to Respond to the LGBT Movement is a 24-page pamphlet with answers to key questions you may have about issues of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity."
FRC Senior Fellow Peter Sprigg interacts with the latest research, rebutting seven key claims about homosexuality and eight about the burgeoning "transgender" movement. 
The pamphlet explains why the "gay identity paradigm" at the heart of homosexual movement lacks factual support, while showing that social conservatives' emphasis on the harms of homosexual conduct is more consistent with reality. 
It demonstrates why it is important to distinguish feelings, behaviors, and self-identification when examining these topics -- and how those elements must be analyzed differently with respect to homosexuality or transgender issues. It's short enough to be read in one sitting, but scholarly enough (backed by 61 footnotes and web links) to invite further investigation.
Frankly, much of the LGBT movement has been driven by myths, lies, and distortions. This pamphlet (available onlineright now, and in print in a few weeks) will empower you to respond -- with the truth. For more, don't miss my "Washington Watch" interview with Peter previewing the pamphlet.

Tony Perkins' Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.

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