Monday, February 26, 2018


Awake and Alert
Jennifer Woodley

‘Now Peter and his companions were weighed down with sleep; but since they had stayed awake, they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him.’ Luke 9:32 (NRSV)

The people we live amongst have fallen asleep to spiritual things. They have nodded off and zoned out to God and the ways of His Kingdom. 

As a result, they have missed the glory of the living God.

The temptations of this world may seem enticing, but there is a smorgasbord full of something more glorious and satisfying on offer: 

the fruit of living close to Christ. 

In order to follow Jesus and experience the joy of living with Him, we must resist the carnal desires that so easily distract us. 

Staying awake to Christ is hard work. We find it easier to slumber with the culture that calls us away from living fully with God.

Daily, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we must confront the enemy who will subtly attempt to draw us aside into living a lifestyle that does not reflect a commitment to Christ. 

Let’s remain strong in the Lord, as we put on His armor that Paul spoke of in Ephesians 6. Let’s be alert to the schemes of our enemy so that we will be able to resist his temptations that can so easily lull us into indifference to a Christ honoring life. 

Let’s remain awake until the day of Christ’s return.

Father, today I ask that you would keep me awake to stay close to you and alert to the schemes of the enemy who seeks to rob me of a glorious life with Christ. Thank you.

Jennifer lives near Toowoomba, Queensland and enjoys encouraging others on their Christian journey through mentoring and writing. Contact

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