Sunday, January 28, 2018


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JAMES WOODS: End DACA Completely, Build The Wall, Defund Sanctuary Cities…

James Woods Issues Stern Warning To Trump: “That’s it. If Trump rolls over on DACA, he loses my vote. That is a promise.
Conservative Hollywood actor James Woods fired a shot at President Donald Trump and the Republican Party on Tuesday, warning the president that all bets are off if he gives in on immigration.
Woods’ remarks come as the debate over how to fix the immigration system continues to heat up. On Tuesday, Trump let the media watch an hour-long meeting he had with congressional leaders on DACA, border security, chain migration, and the visa lottery system.
Woods wasted no time warning the president and Republicans.
Woods finished by hammering the seemingly inept Republican leaders in Washington who haven’t figured out they are supposed to be governing with the power they have been given.
Woods tweeted: “End #DACA completely, build the wall, defund sanctuary cities, end chain migration, enforce voter ID, and deport all lawbreakers. Democrats never listened to us when they were in control. Wake up, Republicans. You have the power. Use it, for God’s sake!”
My comment: Christians and Americans must understand the Objective of the Democrats, which is a Voting Majority FOREVER, achievable by making more  Immigrants, Citizens. That is why they want Open Borders and Unlimited Immigration. They are on the Road to accomplishing this. If Chain Migration and the Visa Lottery are not Stopped--If a more rational Legal Immigration System is not Implemented, they will accomplish their Goal very soon. If they do, America will be TRANSFORMED into a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist STATE. It is America as Founded that is at Stake--One Nation, Under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.

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