Wednesday, December 27, 2017



The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Many read the First Amendment as saying that we have the freedom of religion here in America, but is that really true?

The United States Supreme Court definitely prohibited the free exercise of the Christian religion by forbidding prayer, Bible reading or anything mention or symbolism of God, Jesus, Bible or Christianity from most aspects of public and government life, including public schools and government properties. 

School kids are no longer allowed to sing many traditional Christmas carols or even use the word Christmas at school. They can’t have Christmas parties or exchange Christmas gifts, only ‘holiday’ parties and gifts. School kids have gotten in trouble for passing out invitations to Easter egg hunts during school. 

Schools are no longer allowed to hold a traditional Baccalaureate ceremony to honor graduating seniors because it’s a Christian oriented program.

Liberal judges, along with the Obama administration and Democrats, have also prohibited the Christian religion. 

Christian business owners are being forced to either defy their faith or close their businesses because of the targeted persecution by LGBT activists. 

Christians in the military were prohibited from exercising their faith in some aspects and Christian chaplains were threatened that if they didn’t violate their faith by performing same-sex ceremonies they could face court martials. 

Christian business owners were prohibited from exercising their faith by the contraceptive mandate portion of Obamacare.

Worse yet, anyone can say anything derogatory, hateful, slanderous and blasphemous against God, Jesus, Bible and Christianity, and it’s considered perfectly acceptable and allowable. 

You can even place an image of Jesus in a jar of human urine, call it art and it’s perfectly ok.

The same things are true with Judaism. Jews face many of the same prohibitions to their religion as Christians face, accept one. You never hear about anyone being criticized for being anti-Christian, but being labeled anti-Semitic is another thing, unless you are a Muslim.

Islam is the one religion that seems to be especially protected by the First Amendment. 

Did you know that some high schools are allowed to hold a girl’s only prom just for the Muslim girls? 

Hundreds of schools allow Muslim students to pray. 

Schools are also teaching the concepts of Islam including the Muslim Call to Pray and another prayer that technically is a prayer of conversion to Islam.

A judge in Pennsylvania not only acquitted a Muslim who physically assaulted a man in the presence of a police officer, but he then verbally chastised the victim for insulting Allah.

President Donald Trump has been repeatedly blasted by the mainstream media and Democrats for pointing out that the vast majority of terrorists are Muslims, yet others in government have made derogatory statements about Christians and even Jews, and yet there was no uproar by the media or Democrats.

When several states tried to pass anti-sharia law bills, they were blasted and the bills were deemed to be unconstitutional because they discriminated against Muslims. 

Yet Obamacare discriminated against Christians and Jews and it is still deemed to be legal.

I want to know where in the First Amendment it states that the prohibiting of the free exercise of religion ONLY applies to Islam and not to Christianity or Judaism? 

Why is being anti-Christian is ok, being anti-Semitic is ok but being anti-Islamic is NOT ok?

My comments: It should be Transparently Clear to Christians and Jews that their Lineage is from the God of Creation, and the Religion of Islam and Humanism is from the Pit of Hell, as is every False Religion. The Persecution of Christians and Jews is from those who are doing so, in Obedience to their father, Satan.   

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